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As I opened my eyes, I could see I was on a hospital bed, I saw Zion sitting on a seat on the phone making some calls.

"Hey" I said quietly as I watched Zion get startled.

"Aye imma call you back" he quickly said as he hung up. "ABOUT FUCKIN TIME NIGGA ITS BEEN A WHOLE DAY?!!" "Your mama and sister just left, they've been so worried mane" He yelled out of excitement.

"Damn I been out for that long" I said as I looked over at the clock. It was 7pm. I then realised why I was here, me and Medusa were getting shot at, and then I remembered the last thing I saw was them grabbing Medusa..

"Zion.." I said in a low tone but a deep anger filled the bass of my voice. He knew what I was gonna say.

"Listen-" he tried to say but I cut him off

"Where the fuck is Medusa?!" I yelled

"Listen, I don't know-"

"The fuck you mean you don't know ? Find the fuck out? It's been a fucking day!" I yelled again And then I suddenly saw a nurse come in.

"Ahh it's good to see your awake Xavier. How do you feel?" She said as I tried to sit up but I couldn't, I couldn't feel my legs.

"Why the fuck can I not feel my legs?!!!!" I started getting agitated. I could see Zion's face was in deep worry.

"Calm down Xavier , that's normal, you'll regain feeling after a few hours, you've been in a very traumatic incident, it's normal" she reassured me.

"But my legs ain't connected to my stomach? That don't make sense" I argued

"Nigga you ain't a damn doctor now shut up" Zion responded

"Aight" I said and she began to fill me in on my injury and informed me that no permanent damage had been done. Fucking idiots couldn't even shoot right, I laughed to myself. I'm going to kill every last one of them.

Once the nurse walked out , I continued my conversation with Zion.

"You heard that? She said you can leave this place once you start feeling your legs again." Zion said

"Who the fuck shot at us and where the hell is medusa?" I bluntly asked

"Aight calm down, I'm not sure right now, I asked our members to go and find out" he told me

"Nigga if you can't find out how the fuck they gon find out ?" I argued in anger

"Nigga the streets talk, all they gotta do is ask around and boom we gon find out" he replied

"Aight let's go" I said

"Go where? Your legs bro" he tried to stop me

"Grab a wheel chair and take me to the car, we're going to take care of this before something happens to Medusa, I'm more use at home than sitting here doing nothing " I told him and he just agreed cause he knew I wouldn't change my mind.

I told the nurse I was ready to go, she tried to stop me but I assured her. Zion pushed the wheelchair to his car. I started feeling my legs again so everything was fine but moving around obviously hurt. I was only focused on killing the fuckers that have medusa. I hope she's okay, she's strong as fuck, I know she can handle it but I don't want her slick mouth getting her hurt.

"Medusa is real as fuck" I told Zion and before he could ask why I told him "I'll never forget how she jumped in front of me and shielded me from them bullets. She should've let me die but she didn't. She got hit for me."

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