Roses and Money

39 4 0

10 am


I walked into the warehouse to assess the situation.

"Boss, we lost 15 men last night, and two of our traps got hit. They cleaned us out of all the drugs," Maverick reported.

I was seething. How in the hell did this happen? Losing 15 men was a significant blow, and maintaining a gang of this size was already a daunting task. My father had built this empire from scratch, and it was my legacy to inherit once he was killed. It had taken me a long time to manage a gang of 300 members, and now I had to find 15 more replacements?

"What the hell? How did you let this happen? Do we know who did it?" I demanded.

"The Mob. They came after us in retaliation for hitting their trap a few days ago," my right-hand man, Zion, explained.

Damn. "How did they even know it was us?" I inquired.

"No one messes with them in this city, and we're newcomers. It was obvious," Zion replied.

He had a point, but I didn't care. I needed to find out who killed my father and make them pay. My father's murder had occurred in this city, and the only way to uncover the truth was to create chaos and terrorize this town. I had to stir up enough commotion that someone would finally start talking.

"So, what's our next move?" Maverick asked.

I needed to think this through carefully.

"We'll recruit more men to replace the losses. For now, we'll steer clear of The Mob, but we'll target the other small-time gangs. If things escalate too much, don't forget, we have allies and loyal men back in Memphis who respected my father. They'd come here without hesitation," I stated firmly.

My father grew up in Memphis, started his gang in Atlanta but after he died, we moved back to Memphis and here I am now, back in Atlanta, avenging him.

Zion chimed in, "We also need to hit a few traps and replace the drugs that were stolen. Don't hesitate to eliminate anyone who stands in our way."

"Alright, take care of it. If you need anything, call me," I instructed as I left the warehouse and got into my car. It was time to message Medusa.

Medusa's perspective :

I woke up and went on my phone, I got 3 new messages. One from David telling me him and Samuel will meet me later tonight to discuss business. One text from Marcy telling me she's available to tattoo me tomorrow. I also received a text from a number that I didn't recognise. Not many people have my number so that was weird..

Unknown Number: Hey ma

Medusa: Who is this?

Unknown Number: Guess

Medusa: ???

Unknown Number: The man you tried to bribe at the tattoo shop.

Medusa: Oh hell nah, how the hell did you get my number? This is why I hate men

Unknown Number: Stfu, I got my ways, and the way you were staring at me last night didn't seem like you hate me.

Medusa: Man, bye. I don't even know your name.

Unknown Number: It's Xavier, ma. You could've just asked.

Medusa: Ugly name.

Xavier: You ain't even funny.

Medusa: 😂

Xavier: Let me take you out.

Medusa: I'll think about it.

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