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Today was the day of the funeral, Zane's mama planned to have it 3 days after we broke the news to her. We planned to have the funeral the same day the casket was lowered in to the ground, to speed up the process. It's mob tradition to wear all white to the funeral so that's what we were wearing.
I couldn't help but think about Zane's last words and how he said he thought we'd have more time when he confessed his liking for me. Why did he wait this long to tell me? I wonder how things really would've turned out with me and him..

"Aight y'all ready?" David said as we hopped outta the all black range rover and headed towards to funeral.

The security was heavy today. It wasn't the regular street niggas. We spoke to Micheal our head of security and made sure the security detail would be arranged.

We all arrived at the same time, Zane's family including his extended family arrived with Leon, the pastor and his choir, all the underbosses arrived and the rest were a few trusted mob members. Once everyone was seated, nobody was allowed to enter or leave until the funeral was over, to minimise threats.

I quickly walked over to Zane's mother and brother and hugged them both.

The pastor then began to speak "It is by the glory of God that we are all gathered here today, once the speeches from loved ones have finished and your final goodbyes to this beloved man has been said, my choir will sing from the book of psalms and his casket will be lowered in to the grave"

I walked up to the stand with Samuel and David to say our farewells to Zane.

"Knowing Zane for a large amount of my life, there hasn't been a moment where he hasn't displayed bravery, loyalty and love. He was a real man. The type to put his family first in any given situation, the type of man that would give his all up in order to help you, the type of man that deeply cared about the ones he loved the most and last of all, he was a God-fearing man. It pains me that this day has come entirely too soon and my prayers remain with his mother, brother and family. Zane was one of our closest friends and losing him felt like losing a piece of us. Today we smile in memory of him and the generous life he loved. We smile because he spent his life loving and caring for his family, we smile because he was a true friend." I said with a smile

David and Samuel then said their farewells and we sat down.

Listening to his mother's speech was painful, you could see the true sadness in her eyes. It was generally a terrible day. Everybody was so saddened and nobody had a smile on their face.

Leon and Zane's brother walked up to the stand to speak.

"Zane was my best friend man, he always held it down for me and was ready to do anything for me. He was the realest nigga I knew. Not once did I ever question his loyalty. He considered me family since the day I met him and imma always love him for that." Leon said while crying

"Zane wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend, like Leon said, he was the realest nigga you could ever meet. He watched over me and my mama and made sure we were always straight. He-" Zane's brother started to speak but burst in to tears. Leon put his arm around him and walked him back to the seats.

We heard a few more speeches from friends and family, had the pastor pray and his choir sing and then it was finally time to say our goodbyes to the casket before it was lowered.

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