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"Did she just open her..." I began to say, but Samuel interrupted me with a loud call for the nurse.

"NURSE!" Samuel's voice echoed through the room.

The nurse hurried into the room, clearly concerned. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Samuel's voice trembled with both excitement and anxiety. "She just opened her eyes but closed them again... is she awake?" he questioned urgently.

The nurse offered reassurance, "Oh, that is normal for someone in a coma. She is still unconscious, but this is a good sign. I've seen many patients open their eyes and move their hands while in a coma, so expect that. But this is a great sign that she may be waking up soon. This is an excellent improvement within the first few hours. I'll inform Doctor Green about this right now," she said, observing Medusa closely.

"Boys, you can obviously stay here as long as you like, but it's 2 AM, you've both waited for a long 5 hours, and you both look like you had a busy night, so I think it would be best if you get some rest," the nurse suggested kindly, her eyes briefly flicking to our vests. It was a reminder that we were still wearing them, and I had my Glock tucked in my waistband.

"You're right. Have a good night. Medusa's security detail will be here soon," Samuel responded as he began messaging someone on his phone, presumably Micheal, who was in charge of security.



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"Bye, ma. Bye, sis," I said while seated on the couch. I watched as they blew me kisses and walked out the door. They had spent many hours at my house, finally leaving around 2 am. Even with my mama and sister here, it couldn't distract me from the heavy weight of concern about Medusa's fate. It had been almost two agonizing days, and I felt utterly useless and helpless. I tried to play it cool, but in reality, I was stressing like crazy.

I had too many thoughts racing through my mind, but Medusa was my main concern. The fact that I didn't even have David's number added to my frustration. I didn't know how I would be able to check up on her. For the past two days, Zion had been taking care of business while I rested at home.

Maybe I should go to hospitals and try to find her, but I'd need Zion to accompany me and push me in this damn wheelchair.


"Damn nigga, you can't even ask nicely?" He said as he helped me walk to the bed.



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