Sweet sweet revenge

21 3 0

6 days later


Today was finally my last day in this damn hospital, I was finally getting discharged. Throughout the whole week, David, Samuel and Xavier have been visiting me and Xavier's been calling me when he's not here. It feels as if we're closer than ever.

David and Samuel are still working on the deal with the Russians and I'm planning to have a phone call with them soon.

Doctor Green's been running tests all week and making sure I'm in good condition. He says I'm doing fine and I'll just have monthly check ups after I'm discharged.

But there was one thing on my mind all week. The one thing my trigger finger has been itching for. Draco's head. I'm planning to see him today, right after I get out of the hospital. Samuel told me that they also have his mother and siblings at the warehouse. I still haven't decided what I was gonna do with them yet.

My phone started ringing and it was Xavier calling.

"Hey Ma, how you doin?" He asked

"Hey Xavier, I'm chillin, I'm finally ready to get out this damn place. I'm getting discharged today." I told him

"I know ma, you want me to come get you? Yo ass ain't ready to be driving yet" He offered

"Nah baby don't worry bout it, David's gonna pick me up but I wanna see yo ass tomorrow aight?" I told him

"Say less ma, you want me to come to yo crib?" He asked

"Imma come to yours , You know I can still drive right? I ain't paralysed" I said sarcastically
"Plus I miss you two" I added

"Us two?" He asked confused

"Yeah you and the man down there" I said while holding in my laugh. I ain't lie though.

"Mann you play too much" he started laughing

"You better be ready when I'm there, I want you naked sitting on the bed waiting for me." I told him as I giggled.

"What type of medicine they been giving yo crazy ass" he responded

"Shut up" I replied

"Medusa did the doctor even say you allowed to fuck? Won't that shit harm you or sum?" He asked concerned

"Nigga don't be stupid, you acting like I'm brain dead or something, the doctor clearly said I'm fine to be discharged so that means I can do whatever I want. And don't act like you still don't use them crutches" I responded

"Nigga I been stopped using them crutches I'm straight now so shut yo ass up, call me tonight and imma see you tomorrow ma" Xavier said

"Aight bye" I replied

"Love you" he said to me

"Love you too" I said as I hung up

"Using the big L word now huh?" David said as he walked in my room.

"Fuck, you scared me, wanna knock next time?" I complained

"If the doors already open, how the hell am I gonna knock? Use your brain" he argued back
"Anyways get yo ass up, I brought yo clothes, I spoke to Doctor Green and he said you can leave anytime today" he added

"Finally" I complained
"Aye and David, I want to see draco today." I told him

"Already? You ain't even outta the hospital yet? Can you handle that?" He questioned

"Nigga first of all I ain't a bitch, I can handle seeing him. Secondly, I got shot I didn't get decapitated so yo ass needa calm down. I'm ready to see him today aight?" I responded

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