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5 hours later


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Samuel and I have been confined to the sterile, uncomfortable hospital waiting room for what felt like an agonizing eternity - a full five hours. The only information we had was that Medusa had been revived, and that she had lost an alarming amount of blood.

"We've been stuck in these damn seats for far too long," Samuel griped, his impatience evident in his tone.

The tension in the room escalated as the door swung open, revealing the figure of Doctor Green. Over the years, we had cultivated a discreet understanding with him; he was well aware of the kind of business we were involved in, and, commendably, he kept our secrets locked away.

"How's Medusa?!" Samuel practically barked, his anxiety getting the better of him.

"Hello, boys," the doctor began with a somber tone, acknowledging our presence. "We managed to resuscitate Medusa, and I must say it was a rather miraculous feat to revive her. However, she lost an extensive amount of blood due to gunshot wounds - one in her leg, another in her arm, and one more in her shoulder. If she had received treatment within the first 24 hours, she would likely be conscious by now..." His explanation was cut short as Samuel interjected.

"What do you mean, 'conscious right now'?" Samuel demanded.

"Due to the severe blood loss, we had to induce a medically induced coma. She is alive, but we cannot predict when she will regain consciousness," the doctor disclosed.

The news was a tumultuous mix of relief and despair. The knowledge that Medusa was alive brought an overwhelming sense of joy, but the reality of her being in a coma struck at the core of our emotions. I had always been the composed, level-headed one, while Samuel tended to be the hot-headed, passionate counterpart. I knew he would not take this revelation lightly. As expected, he bolted towards the door.

"Samuel, it's crucial that you remain composed," Doctor Green advised, concern evident in his voice.

Where are you going?" I yelled at Samuel, my hands pressed firmly against his chest, preventing him from storming out of the room.

"To the warehouse," he responded with seething anger. It was evident what he intended to do - he wanted to exact revenge on Draco and his accomplice.

"We have to wait for Medusa to handle this herself," I attempted to reason, but Samuel exploded before I could finish.

"WE DON'T KNOW IF SHE'S EVEN COMING BACK!" he shouted, a solitary tear escaping his left eye.

"Is everything okay in here?" A nurse entered, her tone laced with concern. Samuel quickly wiped away the tear and took his seat.

"Yes, everything's fine, Ms. Williams," Doctor Green assured her, and she exited the room. As soon as she left, I locked the door.

"Listen, boys, Medusa is in stable condition," Doctor Green began. "The chances of recovery from a coma largely depend on factors such as the severity and cause of the brain injury, the patient's age, and the duration of the coma. Medusa has been in a coma for less than 24 hours, she's young and healthy. However, when blood volume drops significantly, it affects oxygen delivery to the brain."

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