Miranda's Journal, Entry #3

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Miranda’s Journal, Entry #3

After leaving Eden, the Fae built an island society. It was ruled by Lilith, whose law boiled down to two rules - don't harm one another, and don't go near humans. The Fae followed rule one, making it the most peaceful society in history - though when you can bend the natural world to your whims with hardly a thought, it leaves very few excuses to fight except sheer boredom. Besides, if one of the Fae died, their soul would float around as a disembodied, glowing will-o-wisp, free from physical limitations and able to follow their enemies anywhere. Murder was just about the dumbest thing anyone could do.

But humans were easy prey - too easy for the Fae to resist. This was the age of the Gnomes, the most powerful and aggressive of the Fae, who built monuments of gigantic stone in order to glorify themselves and prove to the humans that they were nothing. The other houses did their part too – Salamanders ravaged the countryside as dragons, demanding young women as tribute. Sylphs captured humans in their toadstool rings, forcing them to dance until they died with bloody stumps for feet. Undines would seduce humans with eerie songs, then take them for a nightmare ride into a frigid and watery grave.

They would drive humans mad, strike cruel bargains, steal their children and livestock, and even keep humans as pets or mind-wiped lovers – only to tire of them, sometimes years later, and turn them loose. These humans would wander back into their villages, psychologically fried – their loved ones either dead and gone, or not willing to accept them back into their homes.

The island, by the way, was called Atlantis. So you can guess what happened.

Lilith got pissed when she found out her children were leaving the island to go torment humans just for the hell of it. Lilith stood on the tallest peak of Atlantis, raised her scepter, and called forth a massive tidal wave. The Fae watched as it towered over the island, and came crashing down upon them. But it was not the end – Lilith built a prison for the Fae. She bound them to it, threw away the key, and cursed the iron of the Earth to prevent their return. They woke up in Orbis Alia – the Otherworld.

Lilith, however, did not get to see this tiny, dark new dimension she had created. The spell took every last drop of her life-force to cast.

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