Miranda's Journal, Entry #8

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Miranda’s Journal, Entry #8

History is different depending on who's telling the story.

According to the poem, George faced the dragon and, with the help of a magic well and tree, was able to survive and kill the dragon. George rescued the King and Queen and, and married the princess Una. But Spenser's faerietale 'happy ending' isn't accurate.

Arriving at the usurped castle, George, Pellinore and Una found the Queene Glorianna and her consort Gawain murdered along with the rest of the Eldritch. George killed the Salamander Lord, and with the help of Morgan and Vivien, drove the Salamanders out of Ellydan. But the Salamanders retaliated.

Glorianna had created monsters out of her prisoners,  and took them for their own. They locked Morgan in a tower of the castle in Malamar, placing the Ifrit as her guard. They trapped Vivien in a block of ice under the Undine sea, a spot marked only by a small island where the Nuckelavee slumbers. Una and George were on their way to free Merlin, when their party was waylaid by Salamanders. They mortally wounded Una, taking the scepter and the throne.

Though clinically depressed for the remainder of his life, George settled down in the human realm. Salamanders ruled the Otherworld. But they feared George's human bloodline.

They captured George's descendant and magical heir, making him a pawn soldier and gladiator who lived and fought in a cave-filled lava rock valley called the Pit. His only source of light and warmth were lava-pools that dotted the arena, lit only during a fight to the death.

Til one night, the portal opened.

He didn’t know what it was, but it was an overwhelming, beautiful light. He saw the Fae scramble and trample to reach the light and throw themselves into it, the portal consuming them. Doors in the Otherworld were made of fire, so he knew exactly what it was – a way out.

During the chaos and confusion, the boy broke into the armory containing the one iron weapon he knew of, the Redcrosse shield, unaware that it belonged to his ancestor. The Fae, repulsed by the iron, made way for him. He jumped into the glowing light.

That boy was Gordi.

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