
126 3 0

1st February 2022

A low-spirited aura surrounding the room as the doctor intensively looked into the results.

The room lit bright by lights. Anxiety packing the air as the three souls intently looked at the doctor waiting for an answer. The sickening hospital smell floating through the air, faint but unmistakable scent of blood seeping through a veil of antiseptic.

Scrunching his face up in disgust. Pinching his nose to block the flow of the smell, constantly shifting on his seat. Flipping through the pages, looking at every single word, a constant frown evident on the doctor's face.

Each minute passing by like an eternity as the boy and his parents waited for an answer from the doctor.

A long exhale left the doctors mouth, finally looked up to the three individuals. Removing his glasses as he rubbed his temples. Looking back and forth between the paper and the people in front of him, when he atlast opened his mouth.

"It's stage 4 pancreatic cancer." The long held tear finally fell of the mother's cheeks. The boy however looked unfazed, somewhat as if he had expected this.

His face showing no emotion, eyes fixed on the sheets of paper. "He can survive it...right??" The father asked as he searched for a ray of hope to save his one and only son.

"I'm really sorry sir but...a lot of organs are already damaged...the survival chances are really low" the doctor said, head hanging low. "What about a surgery. We wil spend how much ever you want. Bring in the best surgeons of the world. Please save my son, please" the mom pleaded.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I really am but he won't survive the surgery. It has spread a lot. The chances of a favourable outcome is really low. We might lose him during the surgery." The doctor said as the mother wailed more.

"The only thing we can do now is the chemo therapy and intake of medicines." "How many more months do i have??" The boy finally spoke, taking his eyes off the paper towards the pitied eyes of the doctor.

"Maximum 6 months." The boy nodded as he stood up. "Thank you doctor. Mom, dad lets go. I'm sick of this smell" he said as he swiftly took his bag. Bashing out of the room, fastening his pace as he walked his way down the stairs.

Those 3 words replaying in his mind continuously.
"Highest 6 months"

Scoffing at the thought as he mumbled those three words again and again. Not looking forward as he walked in a unhealthy speed. Tears threatening to fall off his eyes, trying to hold it back as he intensively rubbed his eyes.

Feeling his world go against him all of a sudden. Everything was really good until yesterday. Until he spat out blood out of nowhere and came to this hospital.

Looking down as he walked along the corridors. Not really noticing the people he was bumping. Hitting his head against another head as he fell down. A intense pain shot up as he rubbed his forehead.

Opening his eyes as he saw another fragile body fell opposite to him. "Can't you see while you walk!!" He spat out. Slowly standing up as he dusted himself off. "You should have seen where your going it's not only my fault!" The little girl yelled back as she tried standing up but instantly failed, falling back down.

"Fuck off!!" He howled, walking past her. Not really minding any of the of the commotion that was going on behind him as he walked out of the hospital.

"Do-yeon-na!!" A nurse came running towards her holding a tray of medicines. Putting it down as she helped her stand up. Scanning for any injuries as she dusted her off. "I'm fine Ms.Choi, it's alright" she said feebly.

Slow coughs slowly turning into heavy ones. "You okay??" Ms.Choi asked voice filled with concern, patting her back as she tried to slow down her coughs. Do Yeon spat out blood as she kept coughing. Visions turning black as she closed her eyes. Collapsing on the floor.


Okay this books gonna be a bit emotional ig

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Okay this books gonna be a bit emotional ig ...I'm not that good at writing emotional stuff and this is my first time ever writing such a book so....fingers crossed it doesn't flop out!!

I'm not known to the medical terms and about diseases so some might be wrong. I did a lot of research to not get them wrong so i hope you people understand!!

And on prior notice the chapters are gonna be short a few may go over 1k (which i don't think it would) but the mostly it's gonna be under 1k

Anyways thanks for reading!! Stay safe and healthy!!💚💚

(P.s: it's literally 2am in the morning..i woke up feeling nauseous and decided to publish the chapter instead.🤧 )

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