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Her eyes widened as the agonizing pain returned. Tears stung her eyes as she looked around to find no one. Please not now...

Holding her stomach she slipped down the bed as her fragile body came in contact with the hard cold floor. "Ouch" wincing at the increasing pain she reached forward for the button but it just went further away.

"God!!" She yelled while she tried standing up but failed as the pain increased at every single movement she made. "Fuck you stomach" she cursed while her vision blurred with tears.

"God now only you thought of going out Renjun great!" Her voice monotone while she tried her best to reach the button but no avail.

"Someone!!" She yelled but the pain increased to the core as she cried out of pain. "it hurts!!" She yelled, her eyes shut tight while tears escaped out of it with ease.

"Someone..." Her voice a mere whisper as her strength gave up. Eyes slowly closing up as she saw darkness covering her eyes before she became completely shut out from the outer world but before it went completely dark his voice reached her ears.

"Renjun..." And with that darkness basked her.

"DOYEON!! DOCTOR!! SHE FAINTED!!" Renjun yelled as the nurse bashed in. Eyes falling on the unconscious gurl she instantly ran upto her and placed on the bed before checking her pulse.

"It's still beating" she reported as the doctor nodded instantly checking up on her.

Renjun stood there out the room as he fell deeper into his thoughts. Oh how he regretted forgetting that even she was like him, maybe worser. Her bubbly attitudes return made them completely forget that she was diagnosed with a disease.

Tears flowed down as he silently cried while the doctors took longer than expected. "Renjun..." Haechans soft voice made him look up just to find the boy standing right infront of him holding a bag of snacks doyeon and Renjun loved which he doubted doyeon could ever eat after this.

"Hyuck...doyeon she-" Renjun couldn't complete the sentence as he cried out more. Hyuck took a glance in the room and he knew exactly just what was happening.

"Shes a strong girl she will come out don't worry" he comforted while Renjun's tears never stopped.

Hours passed like years while the two teenagers sat outside the room along with the new appearance of her parents. Time ticking as each minute more sweats dripped down the doctors forehead.

Please don't lose on me doyeon please...

Each minute passing by like an eternity as the heart rate decreased. "Shit we are losing her" the doctor announced while the nurses ran helter skelter.

"The apendix, why hadn't we noticed it before??" The doctor asked before the nurse raised her voice. "It never showed up in her x-rays she often complained about stomach aches but we only thought of it as an side effect of the cancer"

A long disappointed sigh from the doctor only made things worse as the nurse mistakenly cut the wrong nerve. "Holy shit. I'm really sorry-i -i seriously didn't mean to do that!!" She defended while the doctor panicked.

Keeping his calm he commanded the nurse to bring in extra blood while his eyes never left her fragile body.

Eyes darting towards the heart monitor and blood pressure only to see it rapidly decreasing at an unholy rate.

"Please doyeon please don't die on me.." he begged while he worked on her for hours.

The four individuals out turned to be three as hyuck couldn't stay more late. And that's when renjun realised the sun had long drowned, leaving the sky pitch dark. Not a star shined as the star in the room struggled to catch onto life.

"Renjun...you shouldn't stay here more long, go to your room and rest...she will be completely alright trust me she will never fail you" Ms.choi approached Renjun while the exhausted eyes of the boy met the concerned eyes of the lady.

Nodding reluctantly he left the room with just one thing in his mind. Make her not deny the surgery request and make her live the life she had always wanted.

But how??? That's what he sat thinking all night when he finally sat up looking at the book. There is no other way.

A tear slid down his exhausted cheeks as he cursed at himself for not thinking of a better idea. But he just wanted the best for her and that's what he was about to give her.

I'm sorry mom, dad, doyeon...i just want you to live doyeon, but now it seems like for you to live I'll have to leave you.

Hitching, hands trembling as more tears fell off his eyes making it red. But nothing hurted him physically as much as he was hurt right now mentally.

Cursing internally for life being so cruel at him and her, but thats exactly it wanted, and that's exactly what he is giving it, but not exactly what it wanted.

The doctor finally let out a breath he held onto for a long time. His heart now feelings at peace after seeing her heart beats stabilise along with the bp.

Feeling satisfied with the stable situation he left the operation theatre where he was met with her worried parents. "She is stable for now, but i- the cancer has spread inevitably and her survival rate for the surgery has decreased but the chances of survival are still high.

I don't wanna lose just like you but only you can make her agree to it." The doctor said as the parents nodded.

"Can we see her??" The father approached while the doctor shook his head. "Not yet but we will let you in when it's time"

- - -
"She's stabilised for now" the nurses voice made him look up from the book as she pushed the trolly towards his table.

"Thank God" he breathed out while the nurse smiled. "She is a strong one she will survive this" she replied while Renjun nodded.

"She is" looking out the window his eyes held nothing but love when he thought about her and the next he was about to do to her was really cruel making him him the bad guy, but he just didn't have any other choice making him best himself up every single minute in guilt.

"I just hope you two live the lives you deserve" "I wish tooo...i wish that soo badly.." Renjun whispered head hanging low but his voice went unheard by the nurse as she changed the tube.

"I'll leave now and yea according to what I heard they will be shifting her to this room later this evening" with that the nurse left as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

Please, forgive me...

Please, forgive me

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