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It hurts like hell when you know you need to let go of someone but you can't because you're still waiting for the impossible to happen...

It hurts like hell when you know you need to let go of someone but you can't because you're still waiting for the impossible to happen

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"No...I won't why the hell would I??" Her tear stained face was brushed with another rush of tears as she looked at renjun who was standing right infront of her.

"Cause that's the only way you'll live Yeon...please do it" Renjun pleaded. He felt guilty, angry, hate for doing the same thing to her as he parents did. Force her into doing the surgery.

"No why would I want to live when you are dying??" "Yeon...just cause I'm dying doesn't mean you should too...please do it. I want you to live the life i have never had. Live the life you've always wanted. Don't lose it just cause me. Just cause of a boy who suddenly showed up in your life"

"No!!" She yelled feeling a sense of betrayal fill in her. What had she even expected. He was just like her parents. Forcing her into doing the surgery just to live the life she hated living. But what she didn't know was the motive behind Renjuns pleading.

He sincerely meant it. He wanted her to live and if it was forcing her into doing the surgery so be it. "You are just like them. Just like my parents" "What no!! No Yeon" walking forward, hands reaching upto her shoulder but a feeling inside him stopped him from keeping it on top of it.

"I never want you to force you into doing the surgery. I want you to become strong. Come back alive. Show your parents the life you've always wanted to live. Not what they want you to or make you to live.

If not for then atleast for me Yeon...please do the surgery. I'm not forcing you..and in the end it's still your choice and I'm in no place in forcing you to do so but i just love you soo soo much i don't wanna watch you die please."

"And you think it's okay for me to see you die!?! Live a life of regret??" She yelled while more tears fell off. "Shh don't yell" his comforting voice spoke out as he moved more closer. Feeling her lean onto his touch.

"It's not I'm wanting to see you see me die. Infact I wanted an eternity for us. For us to be together and experience everything in life together. My wish for you and i to be together forever...it's just it seems so against the universe." A defeated sigh from Renjun only made her wail more.

"I don't know why the universe hates us but Yeon just remember I'll never leave your side. Even if i die I'll always be by your side, in your heart. And the fact that we don't have long just breaks me more...but Yeon" pulling her face up by her chin her eyes stared right into his teary ones.

"Whatever happens, whatever cold night your facing always remember I'll be right by your side, through every hardship, even if I'm not physically present I'll be in here." Pointing at her heart her cries softened.

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