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The girl slowly walked through the pathway as the cool morning breeze blew her hair back. Closing her eyes as she soaked in the wetness of the sea hitting her.

The sea smell infiltrating her nostrils as she fantasized herself standing on the sea shore, her leg dipped in the cold salt liquid.

Her eyes trailed on the approaching waves as it splashed itself on the soft sand wetting it. Keenly staring at the way the birds that flew across the sea as she wished herself to be one of them. Oh! How nice it would be to fly freely without worrying about anything.

"Do you wish to be there that much??" His voice brought her out of her trance as she completely forgot about his presence. Turning to see him pointing at the same spot she was staring at a few seconds ago.

Bringing her vision back to sea as she nodded. "Yes. That's all I've ever wanted." She replied, remembering all the times she begged her parents to bring her to the sea

"-Running across the shore freely without fainting. Soaking in all the happiness" her voice held so much determination and her eyes sparkled as she spoke.

Renjun felt a feeling of wanting to take her there and show her all that she missed. Taking her hand in his he pulled her.

"Come on let's go there" "What no I'm not supp-" not letting her finish her sentence he pulled her across the pathway towards the sea.

Steps catching up to his she paced her way through the walk path when her feet finally hit the sand. Not believing she was actually there she halted as she stared at the boy then at the sea.

At her sudden stop made the boy to turn to see the girl staring at him. Raising a brow, he released a questioned hum. "Am I really here ??" Her whisper like tone spread throught the air as a chuckle left his mouth.

Nodding his head as a smile adorned his face. Not waiting a second a body collided with his as he tripped a bit before steadying himself. "Thank you...thank you soo much" her mumbled voice through his neck vibrated all over him.

"Your always welcome" he replied in a sweet tone before hugging her back. Butterflies roamed around his tummy as he tried his best to try and ignore it but it just wouldn't stop.

Feeling his cheeks heat up."Wanna run across the shore??" He questioned as she nodded vigorously, before running towards.

Shouting at the top of her lungs as she laughed her atmost that morning. Renjun admired her from afar as the girl splashed water giggling at the sudden impact of the wave.

Recalling his memories with his parents on the shore a tear slowly slid down his cheeks. The reality of not being able to experience those days again hit him as he pushed his feet towards her.

If not now then when?

Joining her the both spent their morning right there under the bright sunlight. Just them both but it was all that they needed.

A perfect company for one another as they enjoyed to the top.

Not wanting more than all the days to be like that particular day she pushed up all her limits and played to her best.

Having a feeling that this particular day won't comeback again, and that this won't be possible once again they both entertained themselves with each other.

Time fleeted away as the sun rose up to the top. Both fell down on the soft sandbed as they stared at the waves. Rythmic breaths filled the air as they both stayed there in a comfortable silence before the noise of Ms Choi interrupted it.

"Do-yeon! Renjun!" Yelping the both individuals stood up as they laughed all their way towards the hospital.

Whatever happened they would never forget that one morning even if one dies they will always treasure those couple of hours where they didn't feel sick a minute.

They really were like normal teenagers for that few hours.

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