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After calming down the girl layed in the mattress, sniffing after bawling her eyes out a few minutes ago. The clock striked 3 as the girl left out a exhausted sigh.

The bathroom door opened as the boy came out holding his stomach. His face scrunching up as if he was in immense pain.

"Whats wrong??" Her curios voice made him open up his half closed eyes, he shook his head as he sat on the bed. "It's nothing just the normal stomach pain....but it's just...too painful"

"Should i call the doctor??" Her innocent eyes looked at him with curiosity and confusion.

"Nah I'm sure it's gonna get alright in a few minutes if not i have the tablet I'll take it" he replied to which she nodded. A small yawn left her lips as her eye lids kept falling and he noticed this.

"Don't worry about me and go to sleep. You need it." "What about you what if something happens to you??" "I'll be alright. Theres a bell right here, I'll ring it when something happens. Don't worry and go sleep" he said as she reluctantly pulled the blankets up to her neck.

"Goodnight Jun" "Goodnight Yeon" closing her eyes as she instantly fell asleep becoming unaware of anything that happened after.

A long sigh came after the doctor kept the report down, taking up the xray as he examined it thoroughly. A frown that never left the face only increased when he saw more amount of dots on it.

"It has increased, what you experienced last night, the stomach ache it was just the sign telling that you will soon enter the last stage." The doctor said as the boy just fell deeper into the hole of melancholy.

"We will have to increase your doses before looking at whether we have to change your medicines..-" removing his glasses he slowly held onto the boys hand "-Renjun..." The doctor breathed out as the boy met the concerned irises staring at him.

"Your entering probably the worst phase of your life, and it ain't gonna be easy, but hang in there buddy, you can do it, atleast for parents. Please don't lose hope, miracles do happen." Giving his hand a tight squeeze the doctor gave his parents the file.

"You will feel nauseousness, dizziness, vomiting feeling, aches all around the body, in the coming days, you may even lose your appetite but don't skip your meals, any discomfort you feel, let us know, let anyone one of us know, let us know your pain, make us feel it, feel it with you, you don't deserve to bear it all by yourself and you can't, so when you feel suffocated let it all out, we are all ears. " The doctor said as Renjun gave her a reassuring nod.

But he had lost all the hope, the hope of life. He wanted this hell hole to end someway, but it only became worser making him regret life more than ever.

He never wanted to let anyone know about his discomforts, he always thought it as an extra burden for them. And he never wanted to be one.

He walked past the hallways more like a zombie, eyes stuck on the ground as he walked lifeless. A tear slipped his eyes but he never gave mind to it nor his surroundings as he walked without the knowledge of where he was walking to.

Slowly more tears fell blurring his vision. He walked like a dead corpse as he felt his world shatter, everything changed in a matter of time.


He hated it. It never waited for him. And he was always late to catch it. It never let him have the happy life he wanted to. That one normal teenage life he wanted to have.

Oh! How badly he wanted to experience the college life, study arts improve and become an artist. But fate and time, those two never seemed to be on his side. It was as if the world was against his exsistence.

"Renjun..." Her soft voice got him back to this world as his now red puffy eyes looked at those worried ones.

"What's wrong??" She had never seen him crying, never seen him this broken, it was always her. Seeing him like this broke her, both from inside and out.

He just stared at her as he let out more tears, small sobs escaped while he just stared at her. His eyes showed a million worries and that he wanted to let it all out.

Let all of it out. But he hesitated, he was scacred. She knew he wouldn't let it out here, not in the middle of the entrance of the hospital, she slowly pulled him by his shoulder as she took him towards the elevator, to the rooftop where she knew he would let it all out without hesitating.

All this time his eyes never left her as he kept staring at her as if she was the only thing in the world. Holding her as if she was the only one in this world who understands him, his pain as they reached the rooftop.

 Holding her as if she was the only one in this world who understands him, his pain as they reached the rooftop

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