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As the wind brushed past her silky hair she felt goosebumps raise up her skin while she sat there on the bench all alone.

Feeling as if her life would never get brighter her only hope of life faded away. Looking around she met his eyes. Those eyes at first which held her world now held nothing but emptiness.

His head turned to her as a small smile plastered on his face, a smile which never reached his eyes, while the sun shined brightly at him, making his pale skin more prominent.

On the wheelchair he sat there about three metres apart yet he radiated that warmth that warmed her down on that cold morning.

A small smile appeared on her face as the nurse pushed his wheelchair towards her. "Guess I'm the weakling now eh??" He chuckled while she nodded.

That night completely changed everything as Renjun got monitored every one hour.

More machines spread around his bed as for the first few days after that incident he looked like a living robot tied under all those wires.

That one attack changed everything in their routine. Unlike her attacks his was way bigger than expected as it took a big toll on him.

His parents visited more often as she grew comfortable with them, while the boys tried their best to balance their school and visiting him.

The nurse settled his wheelchair right next to the seat such a way that their hands brushed each other's. Glancing at her while her eyes sparkled while her skin light up under the sun rays.

A smile that never left his face layed there as his lips curved up more wider while they both sat their basking in their warmth watching the sea on that particular cold morning.

"He has reached the finally stage" those words were more than enough for renjuns mother to break down into tears. The father held the mother tightly while the boy layed there on the bed unaware of anything that was happening.

Machines attached to his tiny body while he hardly breathed out a proper air without the help of the machines attached on him. 

There she sat eyes stuck on that one boy as she looked at the rhythmic breaths he took while the heart rate monitor let out uneven beeps, his barely living body layed right there while she just prayed all of this to be just a dream.

She just wanted him to wake up, that's all she wanted. To see him wide awaken, sitting on that bed with his gleaming smile. And for him to hold her hands like there were no other girl in this universe.

For his warmth to be radiated onto her. For her to finally confess her feelings to him. And for him to accept it. But all of these seemed like a mere reality after the next words that left the doctors mouth.

"He can barely survive a month after this. Him being this healthy until this stage itself surprised me and made me wonder he had a chance to live but...I'm sorry"

And there slid a tear off her face as she sat there not moving an inch until he opened his eyes.

"Oh please come on!" She whined while he put the book behind him. "Why not! Why am I not supposed to look through to the book! I just wanna see your drawings!!" Her adement personality hitting him hard as he finally gave in bringing the book front while she instantly grabbed it.

Turning through the pages as her face lit up each time. They were just... magnificent. They were so well balanced as each page showed some or the other emotion in the form of drawing. As the end reached though they were a bit crooked they were just
... beautiful.

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