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                      My everything

On the road that shines exceptionally
Standing there, I am waiting for you
It's not cold
When you are in my arms, I can feel the warmth

You're my everything
I want to protect your days and nights
You are a miracle to me, I wish you could see it
Spreading all over me, a gift called you
You're my night and day
Waiting for you in this street, drawing you again

An unusually long day
But it's not too bad because you're warm
Just like that, with nothing to do
I can live just like that

You're my everything
I want to protect your days and nights
You are a miracle to me, I wish you could see it
Spreading all over me, a gift called you
You're my night and day
Waiting for you in this street, drawing you again

It seemed to be nevеr-ending
At the end of thе long wait
You're the one

You're my everything
I want to protect your days and nights
You are a miracle to me, I wish you could see it
Spreading all over me, a gift called you
You're my night and day
Waiting for you in this street, drawing you again

"Yo when did you become a lyricist!?!" Marks screeching voice attacked renjuns ears while he winced at the sudden overflow of voice.

Closing his book as he looked at the older one intently reading the lyrics but a frown appeared as soon as he saw him close the book.

"Yo that's actually really good" he complimented while Renjun's ears heated up from those words. "Where did you learn to write like that??" He questioned while Renjun just stared at the book, eyes trailing to the girl who sat inside the room reading a book.

"Her presence did" he replied as mark bewilderly looked towards the girl. "Ooooo..... Sooo its that..." Smirking as he looked at renjun who had his eyes stuck on the girl.

"Aw man your soo cutee~" mark squeaked while pinching renjuns cheeks, to which Renjun just pulled apart disgusted.

"Oh I bet you would have loved this if she did it" mark said while Renjun blushed. "Awww you are blushing. Damn i gotta get this on camera!! I never thought Renjun would ever blush."

Pulling his phone out as he angled it towards his face on to be blocked by his hand. "Shut up we are gonna gain her attention!" Renjun said while mark gave no mind to it.

"Foods here!!" Chenles scream was enough to make mark stop and run towards it. Renjun slowly walked up inside as he was greeted by the high pitched screech of chenle.

"Dood calm down and don't scream it's a hospital" "sorry" chenle mumbled after which he digged in.

The girl looked at the crowd of boys infront of her while she fantasized how nice it would be to have a small bubble of friends for her too, only if she wasnt stuck with such a disease, everyones eyes on her would have differed greatly.

"You want some??" Jeno asked tripping her off her thoughts. "Hm?? Oh I'm not supposed to have fried food" she replied but mind slightly craving for that one bite into that crispy chicken.

"But you want it don't you??" Hyucks voice caught her off gaurd as she reluctantly nodded.

"Then-" taking out a nice juicy piece he brought it up to her "-eat, rules are meant to be broken and having a piece once in a while ain't gonna do any bad" he said as her eyes briefly met renjuns for acceptance who was stuck on that one piece for a long time, as if he was eating just for his friends.

Always With You ✞ Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now