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Things started to reverse as she put him to sleep every night while he complained about the constant headaches and his lose of appetite. Though she felt weak she stood by his side as they both sat there on the bench on that cold night.

But it wasn't cold, it was rather warm, a warmth she had never felt. Looking at him whose eyes were already on her she showed the warmest smile ever.

"How are you??" His sudden question caught her off track as she looked at him bewildered. "I'm good??" "No for real how are you feeling??" He asked as he tightened the grip on her hand for a second.

"I'm good for real, though even i have headaches they are not as worse as yours trust me I'm alright" she showed him a smile which he reciprocated.

"Good to know" His smile never left as he looked at her. Staring at each other as the time drifted off. Small conversations then and there filled the air as most of the time it stayed in a comfortable silence. Both dwelling in each other's silence.

Walking down the stairs as the both held their hands tightly for them not to trip or fall. Bodies cold as they made their way towards their ward only to find the doctor seated on do-yeons bed hands crossed, eyes staring right at them.

Halting their steps, both looked at the doctor then at each other. "Where did you two wander off to??" The doctor's rather cold voice send shivers down their spine as their heads hung low.

A sigh from the doctor made the both look at him while the doctor stood up. "Nothing's wrong right?? Both of you don't feel any pain right??" The concerned voice made them soft as they both shook their heads.

"Nope" "Good. Both of you when you go out let me know or Ms.choi someone okay??" Both nodded their heads in approval, and the doctor gave them a geniune smile before leaving the room.

Giggling the two jumped on their beds as their backs hit the soft mattress. His eyes stared at the plain ones while hers stared at the star filled ones.

Eyes feeling heavy as hers closed reluctantly before she could even say a goodnight to him. But he didn't mind his eyes stuck on her as she slowly fell into the dreamland he had wished for being for such a long time.

The sun shone up towards the top as the rays bashed their way into the room through the window. The wind outside blew effortlessly as it picked up the dried leaves and kept it down at another spot.

The weather perfect as the girl stirred in her sleep. Eyes slowly opening up as she was met with the starry ceiling. Turning her head to see the boys bed empty with the sheet folded cleanly brought her disappointment.

Looking around the room to find none she quickly got herself off the bed to clean herself.

"How you holding up buddy??" Donghyuck's sound startled the young boy who sat on the bench. "Oh my god! When did you come here??" "secret~" he hushed keeping a finger on his lips after which he giggled. Renjun snorted as he looked back at the view.

"Who's the girl??" Renjun snapped his head towards Donghyuck who was smirking in victory. "Tell me which girl finally managed to steal the heart of the great Huang Renjun!! I'm excited" Donghyuck squeaked while Renjun's cheeks heated up in embarrassment while donghyuck's voice also annoyed him.

"How did you even know??" "I just know everything my buddy, your easily readable now don't leave a detail and tell me all!" He moved in his seat excitedly while Renjun groaned annoyed but his face changed as soon as his head thought of her.

"Oiiii your smiling~" hyuck cooed while nudging his shoulders making Renjun scoff. "Aww come on!!~" hyuck whined more while Renjun let out a fed up groan. "Aaa alright alright I'll tell" he gave up as he spilled out all the tea he kept boiling inside of him.

"Ah i just- i don't know she's just- she just melts my heart at the first sight" "Oii someone's lovestruck" hyuck giggled while Renjun sighed head moving up and down. "She really did something to me..."

Back at the room the girl sat there on the bed wondering where the hell Renjun wander off to. Gazing at the plain wall infront of her she fell deeper into her thoughts not noticing the door open and the two lads enter in.

"Is she the one??" The whispers of Donghyuck was a mere sound to her ears as she went completely unknown to her exteriors.

"Yea now don't shout it out" Renjun whispered back before entering the room only to see the girl not on this world. Eyes stared souless onto the walls before he waved his hands infront of her.

"Earth to Do-yeon! Are you there??" Snapping out of her trance her face changed back when she met his face. "Where the hell were you?? Where did you run off to so early in the morning??"

Her rather angry tone hit Renjun as looked at her guilty. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you. I did have proper sleep last night so i just went out for some air" he replied as she scolded him for making her worry.

Hyuck just stood there as he looked at the two, feeling completely out of place but his lips curved up to a geniune smile after seeing his friend smile, his gleaming smile which felt like an eternity since he last saw that.

"Ahem" hyuck interrupted making both heads snap their heads towards him. She looked at the new face confused while Renjun realised his presence in the room.

"Im sorry for interrupting but uh this is the soup Nana made for ya, and he told me to give to you so yea imma leave now Jun see ya later! Byee!!"

He hurried as he put down the cover and swiftly made his way out the room not bothering to receive a reply from him cause he knew the girl would have plenty of questions about who he was to Renjun, smirking he made his way out the hospital.

"Who was that??" Her voice made Renjun turn his head towards her. "Oh yea...him?? Oh he is a friend of mine" he replied showing her a short smile. "Oh seemed like a good guy what's his name??" "Donghyuck" he replied as she nodded.

"How old is he??" "18" "He shares your same classes??" "Not everything but a few...but why are you so curious about him??" He asked in a rather harsh tone which had a hint of jealously in it.

"Nothing much his aura just captures my attention, he just gives a complete sunny cheerful aura more like fullsun aura, i know that seriously doesn't make sense" she giggled while Renjun just rolled his eyes at the compliment he just heard about his friend. "Whatever" he mumbled before moving to his bed.

Okay yea the age of the dream members are way lower than they actually are in real life hehe

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Okay yea the age of the dream members are way lower than they actually are in real life hehe.

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