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Eyes trailing on her as she moved back and forth the room holding her stomach.

"Are you having a stomach ache??" His tired voice whispered to which she stopped.

Her eyes looking straight at him as he swore he saw it glance at his lips once. She shook her head as she bit her nails as if it would disappear off if she didn't do it.

On the other hand she just gazed at him, how much he had changed in a matter of weeks.

Oh how bubbly he was just a few weeks ago, and here he laid now, not moving, stuck on the bed, barely living, eyes losing all the brightness of life.

Her eyes moved towards the book that layed on his hands before it went back to his tired state.

"You should get some sleep" "I can't..." He spoke softly before briefly closing his eyes for a second.

"Can you come here??" He murmured as she thought twice whether she heard him right. "Please..." Pushing herself towards him she stood right infront of him.

"The headache never wears off" he hissed at the pain as he desperately closed his eyes, the girl couldn't do anything but pity his state. "Make it go...please ..i can't hold it anymore" he pleaded while she slowly took he head and placed it close to her neck.

"It's alright. I'm right here. It's gonna be alright" she whispered closely as she patted her head which was burning. She wished she could do anything something to make his pain wear off and not let him suffer but she couldn't.

"Come on let's get you to sleep" she slowly took the book from his hands as she placed it on the table before walking towards him.

Searching his box for the medicine as she took a glass and the tablet. "Take this and let's have a sleep hm??" He didn't utter word as he took the pill and pushed himself deeper into the bed.

She debated whether she should join him or not, not wanting to make it more awkward and uncomfortable for him she just turned towards her bed before a hand stoped her.

"Don't go..stay" she turned to look at his eyes meeting hers. He pulled her as he made space for her on the bed, letting her fall on it. He pulled the sheets for her, while she just layed there too stunned to even process what was going on.

Renjun didn't mind anything as he hugged he tight before nuzzling his head deeper into her neck.

As he closed his eyes he took in all her scent as it warmed him, the stinging pain slowly disappeared off as he drifted off to the dreamland he wished to be in for a long time.

After a long time he slept peacefully not worrying about anything in her presence, right next to her. That's when he confirmed that he had fell for he, fuck it he loved her.

 That's when he confirmed that he had fell for he, fuck it he loved her

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