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It had been three hours since they shifted doyeon to their room but she still hadn't opened her eyes making Renjun dead worried.

Pleading the nurses and doctors he pushed his bed more closer to hers making it as if they were on the same bed. Hands never leaving hers he stayed there right next to her.

The heart rate steady while the room was pitch silent. Eyes staring into their he stayed there not minding to do anything. Just stay there right next to her that's all he has ever wanted.

"Renjun!" Marks voice barged into the room as his eyes met the exhausted ones of Renjun. "What are you doing here?? Shouldn't you be in your college??"

"It got over a long time ago you idiot it 5 in the evening" mark deadpanned and that's exactly when he realised he had been sitting like that for probably god knows how many hours.

"Ooo..." He trailed his voice holding no kind of an emotion as his face was emotionless kinda like he was dead. "Hey..." Mark approached the boy who was currently still looking down at their intertwined hands.

"She's gonna be alright...i can't promise you that but i just know...shes strong she will wake up" mark assured while Renjun eyes glistened with tears when he looked up marks concerned irises.

"I just hope she wakes up" he whispered while mark rubbed his shoulders soothingly. "She will"

The sky had turned completely black while still none of the stars shined. It was as if the stars refused to show up as she layed there, her light all drowned deeper into the ocean.

Renjun layed right next to her, his hand still intertwined with hers while his eyes were gently closed. His even breaths along with the heart rate monitor sound hit her ears as she slightly flinched.

Trying her best to open her eyes that felt heavy for now reason she moved her one free hand as she felt the other one intertwined with someone's whom she instantly recognised as Renjuns.

A smile tugged up as her eyes slowly fluttered open. Adjusting to the light she brought up her free hand to close the direct hit of the sudden light.

Eyes trailing to the digital clock she was partially shocked at the day it showed. I've been gone for almost fucking two days shit...

Turning her head slowly to look at the peacefully sleeping boy she felt her heart soften to the core. How cute his lips were pouted while a small frown was evident on his face.

Pushing back the hair that covered his eyes she slowly grabbed his cheeks. Rubbing her thumbs against his soft skin while she felt his cheekbones become more prominent.

Damn he is losing his weight really fast...faster than me...

At the sudden imapct of the cold hands he slowly stirred, a groan leaving his lips. A stunned doyeon instantly took her hands off his cheeks, afraid she would wake him up.

Eyes slowly opening up he met with her soft gaze he had leaned onto to meet again. Her eyes looking at him with fondness while he just couldn't believe she was awake.

"You're awake..." He breathed out while she nodded. As if she had read his mind she chuckled before speaking up. "And no this ain't a dream"

A tear slid down pushing itself past down his eyes wetting the pillow cover. "I seriously thought you wouldn't wake up" Renjun whispered, closing his eyes while more tears streamed down.

"Hey...it's alright im all awake now. I'm good- oww" she winced at the sudden pain in her stomach as Renjun widened his eyes alarmed. "Let me go call the doctor" instantly getting off the bed he pressed the emergency button.

Ms.Choi instantly entering the room as her gaze fell on the girl who held her stomach. "You're awake!!" She announced while running to her helping her sit up.

"It's gonna hurt" she stated while doyeon winced at the alarmingly increasing pain. The doctor entered without a delay as Renjun looked at the trio.

Once all done the doctor left the room but her face was down, no more of the fondness or any kind of an emotion was plastered on her face as she stared into reality of what was actually happening with her.


"Yeon..." His ever so soft voice called her out while her eyes met his worried ones. "You're gonna be alright don't worry I'm here" he whispered bringing her closer to his chest.

"And I'll always be there for you..."

Be there for you

Do you remember the first time we met?
That bright day that was full of sunlight
You have always stayed by my side like this
I thank you and again and again
I just need you to be with me,

As time goes on, we get comfortable
I might have made you upset sometimes
You can tell me anytime
I'll become whoever you want me to be

At the end of your day, I'll be there for you
I'll hold you in my arms and listen to you
For me, you don't always have to be perfect
It's alright
You just need to stay like this
Always, just like now
Always, just like now

As time goes on, we get used to each other
I'm so glad we're together
Because I know whenever I look back, you'll be there

At the end of your day, I'll be there for you
I'll hold you in my arms and listen to you
For me, you don't always have to be perfect
It's alright
You just need to stay like this
Always, just like now

You gave me the world I've always dreamed of
I always wanna be there for you
And I know that you will feel the same

At the end of my day
Will you hold me in your arms and listen to me?
We don't always have to be perfect
Don't always have to
It's alright
You just need to stay like this
Always, just like now
I just need you to stay with me
Just like now

At the end of my dayWill you hold me in your arms and listen to me?We don't always have to be perfect Don't always have toIt's alright You just need to stay like thisAlways, just like now I just need you to stay with meJust like now

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Always With You ✞ Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now