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"My parents they..." Her voice trembled a bit as she held onto the sheets tightly. Renjun sat there on his bed facing her as he waited patiently for her to start. Taking a deep breath she restarted.

"I was born into a family where everything was supposed to happen perfectly. Wake up on time. Be infront of the house on time.

Dress elegantly. Eat with proper etiquettes, be disciplined all round the time, never disrespect elders, always be as told by your parents, study well, get good grades.

All those shits that you normally find in a rich family cases. I tried-" the long held tear fell as she recollected all those days.

"I always tried to be one of them. Always tried to be like my mother who was all perfect. Perfect for my father. But- I just couldn't. I wanted to be like a normal teenager. Go out have fun with friends. Do all the teenage shits.

They never liked my sense in dressing, those comfortable baggy clothes. They always wanted me to wear perfect fit dresses which made me suffocate.

As a parent they never showed me love or affection, ofcourse that's cause they were always busy, going in and out of the house every single hour, never had time for me.

Never at home to ever look at me. Look at my small achivements. Look at the small symptoms i often showed. On top of all these i was often going in and out of the hospital every single month.

Making it really hard for me to catch up with school and- an-and cause of that my grades the-they went low" her sobs became louder as Renjun stood up, coming closer to her, he kept a hand on her shoulder, taking her palm in his.

"The-they always scolded me for not getting good grades, bit what did i do wrong" her voice cracked as the tears flowed down without a stop.

"My house it never felt like home. I never felt home cause no one was there. It was always pin drop silent. Not a bird to make a noise. I felt lonely.

I wanted someones attention. I felt selfish for feeling that way but what do you expect from a 8 year old who was sick all the time but never had someone to look after her and was always alone??

But then since i got damn sick they kept a nurse who looked after me all the time. Finally a company i felt i gained some attention atlast.

She-she was my only source of motherly ness. She was the only one who showed some love. Who made me feel even people like me can be loved. But before I could even get enough of that i-i i was admitted in the hospital" sniffing hard she rubbed her nose as her body trembled.

Who made me feel even people like me can be loved

Those words hit him hard. He felt a want. He didnt know how she felt until today. How hard her life had been.

How much agony she had faced in such young age. He knew he couldn't perceive her much but he knew the pain she held. The unbearable pain of loosing the love of their parents.

"The other day when they came, i felt what mother's love actually was. But, it- ha....what else- haa i don't know what i should anymore Renjun.

They- they just want- I seriously don't wanna live anymore when they force me to do the surgery- they just want me so that they can continue the family heritage and those bullshit I-" Her head hung low as she let out more painful sobs.

He rubbed her back, before he called her out in the most softest voice she had ever heard someone call her.

"Do-yeon" his ever so soft melodious voice rang through her ears like music, her eyes met his as he gave a small smile

"Hey... it's alright. That's how life is. It never is fair, especially to people like us. That's how life is, completely unfair never on our side. But you just have to go on. Move forward.

Be strong, strong enough to face all the challenges put in front of us, especially people like your parents. You never deserved those and you so badly deserve to be loved, and trust me Yeon you will be loved.

You will never feel lonely never, I'll make sure of that. You're a strong girl and I know that though i haven't known you for long, but the light in your eyes tells it all.

So don't lose your hope of living just cause of them, just cause they force you to do the surgery doesn't mean you should do it and just so they say that you should continue the family heritage and all those bullshit doens't really mean you should do that. Do what you love. Live."


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