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"Achoo!!" The loud sneeze rang through the atmosphere as the doctor took in a sharp breath rubbing the girls back.

"Achoo!!" The nurses stare fell onto the boy before her eyes widened. "Even you went out?!?" "I was the one who took her" he whispered rubbing his nose before sneezing into a tissue.

"You kids" shaking her head she took another bowl of hot water before placing it infront of him. Pushing the vapours towards his side as he took in all the warmth.

"Feeling good?? Both of you??" Concerned voice of the doctor made the both shake their head vigorously. "Can you just not let my parents know?? Pretty pleasee" Do-yeon pleaded making the doctor sigh in defeat.

"Fine but don't you both dare do this stupidity once again. If i see you guys doing this again I'll lock you both in this room after 8"

Both the teenagers nodded their head in assurance before the nurse and doctor left the room.

"Oh how much have they changed" the nurse stated as she looked at them through the glass. "What made you say that??"

"They so couldn't stand each other's presence at first, but i guess they are after all adjusting to each other and letting each other in" the nurse ended as they walked away.


"Renjun..." The called out as the stinging sensation in her head only increased. The haunting image of her father floating right above her only became more clearer the more she tried to focus.

"INJUN..." Her voice came out a little bit louder as the eyes of the boy opened.

Holding her chest as she searched for air. Tears filled her vision as she gasped. Shooting upright as she panicked.

Renjun slowly rubbed his eyes as his he looked onto his side only to find her in a panicked state. "Hey..hey ca-calm down. Don't panick. Look I'm right here.

Nothing's gonna happen. Take deep breaths. Come on follow me. Deep breath in and out..come on in and ...out" he continued as she followed him.

His arm right on her shoulder in a comforting way as he rubbed it softly. "It hurts... It hurts so bad. My he-head it-" "Hey hey it's alright. Look at me it's alright." Pushing her head towards his chest he slowly rubbed her head as he whispered soothing words.

Eventually she calmed down as the image of her father slowly disappeared. "Don't go" her words came out like a mere whisper as she held onto his moomin pajamas. "I won't go anywhere I'm right here." He whispered while rubbing of the sweat on her forehead.

Tears flowed down unhurried as she stared into the void. Head rested on his abdomen as she took shallow breaths. "Feeling better??" His voice cut through the silent atmosphere as she nodded, leisurely pushing her head off his stomach before her eyes fell on his.

A warm feeling of safety filled in her as she felt the broken whole mend a bit in her. Something about him always caught her attention, always.

He was always there whenever she needed someone to learn on, someone to cry onto to, a shoulder.

He made her feel safe, secure and most importantly he gave her the want to live.

Just a feeling of how good it would be if only she wasnt stuck in this four walls, only if she wasnt sick as was like a normal teenager.

"Want to spill it out??" He asked worriedly after looking at her eyes which held no emotions. He felt his heart drop.

Those eyes which were content, jovial were now dejected and downhearted. "It's just the nightmares that haunted me once reappearing" she spoke, her voice dry and hoarse due to lack of intake of water.

Renjun sighed before taking a glass of water from the table and handing it over to her. Drinking the content till no drop was left a satisfactory noise left her lips.

Wiping of the excess water on her lips with the edge of the shirt, she looked back at him. "What's wrong??" Her feeble voice struck in his mind as he felt the once held out feeling appear out, wanting to make her pour out all her worries onto him he asked the question he wanted to ask but held in for a long time.

"Wanna talk about what happened when your parents came the other day??"

"Wanna talk about what happened when your parents came the other day??"

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