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"How's school??" The boy enquired while walking down the pathway of the hospital. Constant chatting of the staffs while some rushed noises along with some distant cries filled the atmosphere as the 7 boys walked aimlessly around the grounds.

"It's the same as usual. Shit. I can't wait for you to come back to school, it feels so lonely without ya" the middle one spoke as the boys nodded their heads.

A defeated sigh left renjuns mouth, all the attention turning towards him as he let out a hollow laugh.

"I don't think i can come back guys I'm sorry" he whispered is a very low tone as the rest halted.

"No don't say that, don't be sorry, be positive, no one knows when a miracle will happen, who knows maybe by the end of this month they will find a cure for ur disease and you will be all well graduating with us next year, don't lose hope please" the eldest begged while holding his arm tight.

Renjun could only nod weakly giving him a fake smile, a one that didn't hold any sincerity, a one that mark was afraid of seeing. His smile which was worth a thousand words was now just a simple fake one.

That hurt them. Everyone living in their own utopian world, when the reality of Renjun being actually sick and that his tomorrow is not promised, scared them.

Always being together ever since they can remember, the feeling of one of their best friend leaving them forever from this world felt foreign and unbelievable.

Haechan slowly pushed his hand round renjuns shoulder as he nudged him. Giving him a reassuring smile, he started walking.

"You are gonna be completely alright, don't worry bud, just wait and see this time next year we will be having our graduation party which will have every single food that you love" he reassured him as they all chanted a chorus of 'yes' before walking into the hospital.

Do-yeon layed there staring vacantly into space, her uniform heavy breaths mixed with the slow beeping of the heart monitor played as the background sound, she melted into the atmosphere as she became anonymous to the exterior.

Renjun sat on his bed staring at a newly brought hard cover book, wondering what he could do with it. Turning around to see the girl completely detached from the world something bloomed inside of him.

He didn't know what that was but a sense of endearment came into him. Just as he was floating deep into his own dream world the door bursted open while two individuals walked straight into the room.

Their eyes on the girl spaced out girl who seemed to have no idea of the sudden barging of the two people. Glancing at her and at the two people Renjun felt tension and anger rise in up.

Feeling a bit stressed under their gazes he felt something was wrong. Their eyes fell on him before it ran to the girl. The woman slowly walking up to spaced girl as her eyes softened at her tired state.

"Do-yeon.." her voice came out feebly but went unknown to the girl.

Holding her shoulder as the mother embraced the girl in a hug to which the girl flinched at the sudden contact with something warm.

Her cold body coming in contact with the warm ones of her mother as tears slowly flowed down the mother's cheeks.

The father slowly walked up to the two, gaze never leaving them as the boy became invisible to them. The girl slowly becoming aware of her surrounding and what that was actually happening it felt foreign.

The love, affection and attention she was recieving right now felt foreign. "Mom..." Coming out as a mere whisper her hands slowly travelled up to her mother's shoulders as she pushed her head deeper into her mother's neck.

The motherly scent that was totally forgotten now infiltrated her nostrils as she felt tenderness fill in her.

Those delicate touches by her mother was somehow making her better, making her forget about the sick feeling for that particular minute.

Pulling apart as the mother met those drained irises staring right back at her. "Mom..." She murmured as more tears fell off.

"Shh, don't cry" the mother slowly rubbed off the falling tears. "It's alright. It's gonna be alright" she comforted while rubbing her back in a soothing pattern.

"It hurts so bad" she wailed while the rest three couldn't do much but listen to her pour out all the hardships she was going through right now.

"It's gonna be alright" was all her mother could say as they hugged each other. The boy feeling that he was somehow interupting a family reunion he slowly made his way out the room before fleeing off to the rooftop.

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