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Teddy Bear

The blustery cold wind hit her face as she soaked in the once forgotten cold atmosphere. Seated at the edge of the rooftop, her feet dangling in the air.

It seriously ain't the same. You lied.

Looking down at the constant rush of patients filling the corridors while the rumbler sirens of the ambulances played in the background.

The sun slowly getting off its job, it left off a orange hue spread throughout the sky, the moon taking its position after a day's break.

The girl looked as the sun almost settled down and the moon showed up, along with the emerging of the stars.

A slight thunder to be heard as it indicated the emergence of rain. Pushing her head back the girl stared at the cloudy sky filled with rain drops ready to fall of any minute.

Hands rubbing on the hard cover of the book as her eyes fell on it. Picking it up, the book rubbed off the cold surface onto her warm hands.

"What is that??" The girl asked pointing at the book that layed there on the table.

The boy sat there on his bed staring at the book, a moment of silence then was broken by him. "That's the most treasured book of mine after the art book" he replied to which she asked another question.

"Can I open it??" "Not yet, but you will when it's time" Renjun said as his voice turned into a mere whisper in the end.

Opening the book to see a line beautifully written in calligraphy. Smiling at that one single phrase which tripped her down on a deep memory lane.

For My Little Sugar Plum

Turning up the pages to see en number of poems and lyrics lined up one after another. Each and every single piece of paper held a deep message from him to her. Through every single word he conveyed something or the other for her or about her.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as it made its mark on the sheet of paper titled Teddy Bear. Eyes trailing on the lyrics as she read them word by word letter by letter.

It's a late night, you know?
You can't sleep?
Come and lay next to me
Hide under a cozy blanket,
Everything about your very own day
Tell me about it, I want to know
Tell it only to me
We match our breathing to the pat-pat rhythm
The thought that comes to mind
Start fading away following my hand running through your hair
Don't worry about anything
Just close your eyes

In the city with the lights off
The night takes you far
I won't let go of your hand
Let's go into your dream

Good night today too
I'll see you in a very deep dream,
In a world that only the two of us know
We'll together
When darkness comes
I'll hide you in my arms
Even if I'm left alone, I'll protect your bedside
Sleep deeply
I'll meet you in your dreams

If any trouble comes to bother you
You can leave it all to me
My babe, oh, you babe
I can be in pain instead of you
So that you can fall asleep whenever

It feels like the long night will last forever
Every time I'm scared
You cross the dawn with me
To the other side of the moon

Good night today too
Ooh-ooh, I'll see you in a very deep dream,
In a world that only the two of us know
We'll be together
When darkness comes
I'll hide you in my arms,
Even if I'm left alone, I'll protect you by my side
Sleep deeply
I'll meet you in your dreams

In the morning everything
Will disappear like a dream Remember me
But I'm fine
It's good that I can protect you
Because that's my happiness for you

Now close your eyes
See you in a very deep dream,
I just wanna be with you
In this place where we are together Oh, love
All night long
We draw the same dream
Just want to be your babe
When tomorrow comes
The sunlight will wake you up,
Don't look back and walk by my side
I'll protect your dreams
Open your eyes now
I'll see you again

My love,
"Close your eyes
And I'll be there
Cause no matter where I go
I'll be Always With You"

I feel like i made a lot of stuffs damn obvious so if you guys don't like sad endings and blame the author in the end I'll recommend you to close this story right now, this second

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I feel like i made a lot of stuffs damn obvious so if you guys don't like sad endings and blame the author in the end I'll recommend you to close this story right now, this second. I'm warning you now in the story a lot of crying will be there. People who chose to stay Welcome!!!

And i know Renjun ain't a person who writes lyrics but yea just go with the story flow! And all the lyrics will be in English so that the meaning is understood! The songs name would be given on the top!

Always With You ✞ Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now