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The warm wind brushed past the pair of two that sat on the either corners of the bench as an awkward tension ran around the atmosphere.

The sun shining brightly under then in this serene atmosphere as the warmth of the sunshine spread all around the hospital grounds.

Fiddling with the hem of her skirt she tried to look everywhere else other than the boy who's eyes were already on her.

A long sigh from Renjun made her look towards him. "What??" "What??" She just shook her head in dismay as she looked at the grounds infront of her. Patients walking, some with support some without.

A slight cold wind brushed past her as she shivered under her skin. Feeling colder than usual, it felt strange.

"It's cold! Why did they make me sit here?!??" She grumbled as she stood up, rubbing her arms in order to find some warmth.

Renjun raised an brow as he looked at the bright sunlight dawned upon her. Her face lighting up bright which slightly brought up her tired face. One that's hasn't had a proper sleep for days.

"The sun's shinning brightly why is it cold for you??" He enquired as he pulled up a coat he held onto for when the sun settled down and the weather became colder.

Putting it over her shoulders to which she slightly flinched looking over at him as he brought up his hand to her forehead. His eyes squinted due to the sunlight as he kept a hand on his own forehead, comparing the temperatures.

"What are you doing??" She slowly mumbled. "Checking your temperature idiot." He whispered to which she backed off.

"I'm not having a fever!!" She defended as he pulled her by the hem of her shirt. "Stay still you might be running down a temperature" his stern voice making her quiet as she stayed there looking at him exchange hands until he finally pulled her inside, walking fastly round the corridors.

"Where are we going??" "To the nurse your having fever" he said but before she could even reply he called out loudly for the nurse. Pulling her around the corridor he didn't notice the girl getting weaker.

"Renjun..." Her voice came out as an mere whisper which went unheard by the boy. Nauseousness hitting her as her head felt heavy. "Renjun..." A little more louder which caught the boys ears.

He turned to look at the girls eyes falling heavy. She looked exhausted. "Oh shit you weren't allowed to walk fastly..." Her legs betraying her as she slipped but before hitting the ground a warm pair of hands clasped around her waist.

Holding her up securely as she looked into his eyes. An unknown warmth spread in her as she felt safe in his arms. A sense of security filled her until she closed her eyes.

The boy looked bewildered as he stared at the girl. "Do-yeon!!" The nurses voice came out as Renjun looked back to see Ms.Choi running towards them.

Fastly he picked her up, though he himself was pretty exhausted he eventually carried the girl to her ward.

Settling her on the bed the doctor rushed inside the room. Renjun made his way out the room as he looked through the small window on the door.

How her delicate body layed peacefully on the bed as the doctor checked up on her. The slow talks of the doctor and the nurse being heard lightly through the door.

"She can survive, but only if she does the surgery"

The doctors words replayed in his mind as a state of irateness over the doctor and the universe filled him. He didn't know why but he felt anger fill him.

An anger for the girl who was as bright as sunshine, seeing her whiter away created a state of fury in him. The girl right now was completely different from whom she was when he entered the hospital.

Sign of life slowly slipping away from her made him soften for her. His thoughts were interrupted when the doctor came out with the nurse. "It was just exhaustion. She hasn't been sleeping these days??" The doctor asked to which the nurse showed a disappointed nod.

"She really has to do the surgery in order to survive" the doctors voice echoed through renjuns ears as he looked at the pair of converse a bit more until the nurse bid her goodbye. The doctors gaze fell on renjun, which came as a mere surprise.

"How you holding up buddy?? You feeling good??" "Yea i don't feel sick as of now" he replied as the doctor nodded his head.

"Don't walk too much and also don't carry someone" pointing towards the peacefully sleeping girl the doctor patted his shoulders.

"Take care bud" with that he left as Renjun turned around to look at the steadily raising heart beat of hers along with tiny breaths.

Somewhere deep down his heart a light shined making him want to hold her tight, help her, most importantly see her alive, happy.

Taking a deep breath he entered the room, taking out the only book he treasured the most he opened it as he started scribbling.

The day passing by as the sun completely settled down leaving the sky pitch black while the stars shined in it. The weather becoming colder as the time ticked by.

Wanting nothing more than fresh air the girl rushed her way out the room towards the stairs way up.

Opening the door as the gush of pushed her hair back, she breathed in all the air as she finally felt alive.

Walking towards the seat she slowly settled herself on it before gazing at the stars. Admiring how perfect they looked and how bright they shined.

The cold wind sent goosebumps all around her body to which she slightly shivered.

Rubbing her arms to find warmth but instead it came with a jacket that slowly hung up on her. Turning around to see Renjun behind her she flinched.

"What are you doing here??" She asked as he tsked. "What are you doing here at the middle of the night when the temperature is damn low with just wearing the hospital gown??"

"I just wanted some fresh air" she mumbled as she turned to look at the sky which were now covered with some clouds.

"You should have brought someone with you!! What will happen if you faint again like you did in the morning-??" "Why do you even care??" She cut him off as he gave her a side look. "Cause I don't want the doctors to run around in the room at the middle of night!" He commented which made her roll her eyes.

"Nothing will happen sir, no doctors will come. You are here now right. If anything even happens you are there to take me" she replied moving a bit closer to him as she found and unknown warmth spread through her warming her whole body.

"What am your bodyguard now??" He questioned while she gave no mind to it as she relaxed in that night air. Coming to the senses that she won't reply him he relaxed himself in the nights air he sat a bit deeper in the chair after which he felt a weight in his shoulders.

Eyeing to his side he found her side profile partially lit under the moonlight. Her features early visible as a small puff smoke left her mouth every time she breathed.

"You tired??" He whispered to which she shook her head. "Your are warm" she mumbled before moving closer. Finding some sort of connectivity to his body she moved closer before falling deeper into the night with the slow chirping of the birds along with the crowded floors noises.

Her eyelids fell heavy before she fell asleep after a week of no sleep in his presence under his warmth.

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