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Silence lingered the air. Only sounds of pencil scribbles being heard. Do-yeon layed on her bed facing the ceiling. Eyes fixed on the stars she had stuck when she first came to the hospital.

Ears picking up a small tune which Renjun hummed giving her comfort. Closing her eyes as for the first time in a few weeks that sharp sensation didn't hit her head. Finding her peace in his voice as she feel asleep to it.

"What the hell!!" Her father shouted, throwing the papers at her face. His face red filled with anger. "You think I'm a stupid working my ass off 24/7 to make you study just for you to get such marks!!" The man yelled while the girl poured out silent tears.

"If i see such marks once again your dead" the man warned. Bashing out the room leaving the girl there drowning in self regret.

"What did I do wrong..." The girl mumbled. The words getting completely inaudible towards the end until she completely broke down.

Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks wetting the sheets while Renjun stood there not really knowing whether to wake the girl up or not.

"Umm..god i don't even remember her name" he whispered, slowly nearing the shaking girl. "Hey..." Slowly bringing forth his hand towards her shoulder.

"Hey it's alright" he mumbled. He didn't know what made him do this but he felt he had to. The girl mumbling inaudible dialogues, more tears fell off her cheeks. Her eyes shot open and she sat up straight. Vision blurred with tears.

The only thing visible was a silhouette in front of her. Heavy breaths ran through the air as beads of sweat fell off her forehead. Renjun felt his heart drop looking at the girls state. Her tear stained doe eyes looking straight at him.

"Hey it's alright. It was just a dream." He slowly mumbled in a soothing voice as he brought her closer to his chest. Patting her shoulders in a soothing pattern he hummed a small tune.

She closed her eyes as the unknown warmth spread all over her. Sniffing, her heavy breaths slowly dying down as she calmed herself down drifting back into her sleep in his arms.

Renjun slowly laid her down, pulling the sheets up as he brushed the hair off her forehead. Rubbing the prominent sweat on her forehead. Pushing his legs towards his bed but before he could actually fall on to it, his head hit the floor.

The sun rose to it's high as it shined brighter than yesterday. Her eyes squeezed tight as the bright light hit her face. Groaning she turned around pulling the sheets up, covering her head. Mumbled words being heard, she peaked her head out of the blanket.

"What happened??" The concerned nurses voice came through as the girl perked her ears up. "The boy fainted." A unknown voice spoke up. "His condition is getting worse and there's nothing we can do about"

"That's what itches every single part of me! He is such a good boy why?" The nurse whisper yelled, careful not to wake the sleeping girl, who was now full awake, listening keenly to the conversation.

He fainted!! Oh lord.

"Let's see how much this boys holds up." "He is a strong one" the nurse said to which the doctor nodded. "He can wake up any time. Just lemme know then" with that the doctor left the room.

"Oh you poor thing..." The nurse pitied the boy who now layed peacefully on his bed. Unaware of anything that was happening around him, he wandered around the utopian world he had wished to live.

"What happened to him??" Her low raspy morning voice sounding weaker than usual caught the attention of the nurse.

"Oh you're awake! How do you feel??" The nurse asked walking next to her, keeping her palm on doyeon's forehead she nodded her head affirmatively.

"Your fevers down." "Wait i had fever??" "Yup you had it slightly when you went to sleep but don't worry your all good now" the nurse replied, showing her a short smile.

Slowly moving off the bed she dragged her way towards the bathroom to refresh herself.

The bright light invading her eyes as she squinted at the sudden burst of luminosity. Adjusting to light as she finally opened up her eyes to find her reflection on the mirror

Hanging eyelids
And pitch red eyes

She looked sick and she hated it. She hated all of this. She always wondered what wrong did she do in life for this. But she never seemed to find an answer.

Suffering since birth, while the hospital became her second home. She despised all of this, this room, that crystal white sheets, the sickening hospital smell, those bitter liquids she drank every 5 hrs, constant checking, always under surveillance.

All of it. She loathed all of this. Always wondering if she could ever escape this loop.

What wrong did i do to deserve this??

What wrong did i do to deserve this??

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