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They didn't utter a word after reaching the rooftop. They just sat there as Renjun let out silent tears. She just rubbed his back soothingly as she didn't know how to comfort him.

"Why??...why me?" His broken raspy voice came out as a mere whisper as she looked at him. "Why me off all the other cowards out there??Why is the world so angry at me??

Why!?! Why is it so against me and not letting me live a peaceful life ?? Taking all my hope for living?? Letting me go through hell when I've already faced enough??

Why is life soo unfair!!!' he yelled as he bawled out more but she couldn't do anything but hold him close and rub shooting circles on his back. He hid his head in his palm as he cried out more.

"Cry" she finally let her voice out as he yelled more. "Cry it all out. You'll feel better" her soft voice rang through his ears as he moved nearer to her. She pulled him closer as he nuzzled his head deeper into her embrace, taking in all her warmth.

He cried his worst that morning but he didn't regret it especially crying i front of her. He felt better way better. Letting those dry tears stay on his rosy cheeks he stared at the way his hands perfectly intertwined with hers.

"Thank you" he breathed out, she just gave out a questioned hum as his eyes met hers. "Thanks for being there for me when no one did" he gave her the sweetest smile she had ever seen as a feeling grew inside of her.

"Your always welcome" she whispered as they held the stare. She didn't know what the reason was for him to breakdown like this, but she knew he would tell her, tell her when the time was right, and right now it wasn't.

The atmosphere wasn't awkward. It was just perfect. The wind flew right past them as the cold wind which supposedly should give them shivers rather gave them warmth.

The birds flew as a flock in the vast blue sea as their sounds echoed down the sky towards their ears. The distant sound of the city rush blurred with the noise of the chirping birds who settled themselves on the edge of the railing.

"We should probably go down. They might be searching for us" she broke the silence as he nodded getting up from the seat. Dusting off his pants he looked at her doing the same. "Let's go" he motioned her as they both walked down the stairs in a pair not minding to take the elevator.

After 3 weeks

"Eat" the nurse demanded but Renjun just shook his head. "I don't feel like eating!" He became rebellious as he refused to eat the porridge. "Look kid you gotta eat to have atleast a bit of energy" the nurse pleaded while he just refused, being stubborn.

Do-yeon entered the cafeteria just to witness the pair of two in which the lady struggled to feed the younger boy.

Giggling at the sight she found it quite amusing to watch at. Picking up the bowl of porridge she walked towards the seat before settling herself down on it.

"What's happening here??" She inquired while the nurse just sighed. "He ain't eating" "Why??" "Ask him yourself" her head turned towards him as he sat there arms crossed eyes buring at the food as if he despised it.

"Why aren't you eating??" She asked as he let of a huff. "I don't feel like to" "But still you gotta atleast a spoon or two" but still he refused which ended in him getting extra doses of glucose that day.

After having her meal the girl peacefully layed on her bed while Renjun seemed to be in a bad mood that particular day as he sat on the bed with the needle pushed inside of him, eyes fixed on the wall infront of him as he always kept a disgusted face. As if he was disturbed by something.

"Renjun" the doctors voice spoke as he turned his head towards it to see the doctor standing near the door. "I've told you not to lose hope didn't I?? Please why dont you just try??" The doctor pleaded in a broken voice making Renjun guilty.

It not like he wantedly did this, he just didn't feel like eating and living.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as a tear fell. "I didn't mean to worry you nor anyone!" He opposed while more tears fell. "It's just, i lost all the hope of living" he mumbled, his head hanging low as he let out more tears. "Hey...it's alright buddy. It's alright" the doctor hugged him as he whispered all the sweet things to him.

"It's gonna be alright buddy just a few more days and your gonna be free"

He whispered as the words layed in his mind. The girl aware of her surroundings dwelled into her thoughts as she tried to connect what the doctor said and what she thought happened a few weeks ago at the rooftop and all the other clues, as she finally came into a conclusion.

Even he was dying just like her, but unlike her he didn't have a chance of survival.

Even he was dying just like her, but unlike her he didn't have a chance of survival

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