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"Don't be scared, I'm watching you I remember the nights where we were together
When you walk on unfamiliar roads, just raise your head and
Take a look at the stars"
                                      ~Never goodbye

"Don't be scared, I'm watching you I remember the nights where we were togetherWhen you walk on unfamiliar roads, just raise your head andTake a look at the stars"                                      ~Never goodbye

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A month later

"Do-yoen!" Hyucks voice rang through her ears as the now healthy gurl turned around. A smile adorned her face as her eyes met the six boys walking towards her. One missing.

Her mind walking back to the last month as the smile slowly turned into a frown.

"Ready to get out of this hell hole??" Hyucks cheerful voice brought her out of trance as the smile returned. "So ready" the rest giggled as mark picked up her bags. "Meet you down there??" She nodded as the rest left.

A sigh from her as she turned around looking at the room that held millions of memories which she can never bring back once again.

Though he was never physically present he kept his promise of being present mentally. The first few weeks after the surgery was probably her worst but as days passed by she moved on, practically keeping her promise.

But she never opened his draw, never did she dare to open it. But as time ticked she reluctantly opened the draw only to find the same exact stuffs Renjun had told her.

A moomin pendrive and a diary.

Fingers trailing over the items she grabbed them. "Doyeon.." ms.choi's voice mad her turn her head alarmed, eyes slightly widened.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you" "No worries " she smiled while Ms Choi brought her into a tight hug. "Oh I'm so glad you are all well now" she cried while doyeon chuckled.

"Mee too" pulling out of the hug the nurse looked at doyeon fondly, how much she had fought the urge to not breakdown, how much she had turned to be strong and not cry all night for that one boy.

She was proud of her, as she saw the weak one turn out to be the strongest of them all.

"I'm so proud of you" she whispered running a hand through her silky hair which now returned back thick. Her face brighter than ever, she was all good now.

"I'll miss you ms. Choi" do-yoen hugged her once again as they held each other for one last time. "I'll miss you too" taking in a sharp inhale as the nurse looked back at the bubbly girl return back.

"Alright then let's get you out of this hell hole" she said as the girl giggled nodding. Holding the pendrive and the book tightly she left the room.

Turning to look at the room one last time as the whole bunch of memories returned back in a flash. A tear slowly rolled down as she felt him standing right next to her bed smiling widely, screaming I'm proud of you.

Always With You ✞ Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now