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"Do-yeon...doctor had told you to not scream didn't he??" The mother asked in a stern but calming voice to not scare the child off.

"Yea but-" "No but's if the doctor has advised something try to follow it!" The father yelled startling the young one. "Yes father"she said feebly, nodding her head up and down very fast "I CANT HEAR YOU!"

"Yes father" this time with a bit more energy. "Good now we are going back home don't you dare make a scene here" he said, leaving the room as she finally left the breath she didn't know she was holding.

A tear slowly rolled down her cheeks as she felt lonely all of a sudden again. The room drop silent as the ticking sound of the clock echoed the room. Staring out the window as she imagined a perfect teenage life she had always wanted.

Closed up in these four walls since childhood. Coming in and out of the hospital every few months.

Losing a lot of classes when she finally dropped out of school. She never knew the particular reason why she got sick often. But until one fine night when she spit out blood and her parents took her to the hospital.

That night changed everything. Getting permanently stuck inside these four walls. Denying all surgery requests as she thought this was her fate and that she would not survive a surgery.

Too caught up in her thoughts. The door opened as the nurse entered the room. Behind her stood a tiny boy.

"Do-yeon" she called out as the girl just stayed there spaced out. "Do-yeon it's time to take your medicines" she said, moving towards her, bringing a trolly along with her.

Shaking the little girl bringing her out of her trance. "What were you thinking soo deeply that you didn't even hear me call you??" Ms. Choi asked, pouring the medicine onto a spoon.

Bringing it towards her mouth as she sucked in all the bitter liquid. "I guess i spaced out for a bit" she said showing Ms. Choi a small smile. "Well your not alone anymore" the girl raised an eyebrow as she asked for a completion of the sentence.

"You've got a roomate!!" The nurse said excitedly, clapping her hands as she pointed at the boy who stood there clueless.

Turning her head as she meet those eyes. "I know this is soo sudden but.." all the words inaudible to her as a warm feeling filled her inside. The once cold heart slowly getting warmer as she stared into those eyes.

"Yeon??" Ms Choi shook her. The warmness instantly dropping off. "Spaced out again??" She asked as the girl nodded. Finally turning again to meet the boys eyes whose eyes were already on her.

Feeling oddly familiar as the scene played once more. "Why do you seem soo familiar" she mumbled as she moved her head closer, inspecting the boy top to bottom. The same happening with the boy as he tried to remember who she was.

A gasp left their mouths together as they finally remembered. "You're!-" "You are the boy who pushed me down the hallway a day ago!!!" She half yelled "Seriously i can't believe I have to share a room with you..wow" the boy said poking his inner cheeks.

"As if I'm pleased to give you my room" "This ain't your room!" "Yes it is mine!" "Okay okay now kiddos you guys seem to have a bad start but let's just forget about whatever incident your speaking of-" "But Ms. Choi he was the one who pushed my in the hallway yesterday!! And it's because of him i screamed!!" "And now your screaming again. Calm down" the nurse patted her back as do-yeon took deep breaths.

"Don't you have any other rooms here miss. I don't wanna share one with this weakling" "Excuse me. Who the hell are you calling a weakling" trying her best to dominate but her body betraying her. Coughing blood out as the nurse brought her to the bathroom.

Throwing up all the items she ate the day before mixed with some blood. Washing her face, drinking some water as she exited the bathroom. "I told you not to scream" the nurse said as she wiped the tiny girls palms "I'm sorry Ms. Choi but how can I be calm when he looks down on me? And disrespect me??" Her voice feebler than the wind. Walking inside the room to see he had already set up his stuffs on the other bed.

"Seems like you have adjusted well, i see" ms. Choi spoke, holding the girl by her arms "Look here weakling, there is no other way we have to share this room, don't you dare invade my privacy. This is my place and that's yours" he said pointing out at the small line he had drawn on the floor to seperate their spaces.

Having no power to talk back she weakly nodded walking back to her bed. "Well then I'll leave you guys now." Ms. Choi said as she rolled the trolly out the room, exiting the room herself.

Silence filled the room as the girl closed her eyes, drifting off to dream land. The boy scribbling something on a sketch book.

"Sir, we gotta start the procedures as soon as possible if not your daughter's survival rate is..." A sigh left the doctors mouth. The parents nodded. "We will try to convince her" the mother spoke, looking at her husband next to her. "Thank you doctor" with that both of them left the room.



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