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"How many times have I told you not to go out alone!" The doctor in a rather harshed tone yelled while the boys head hung low, fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. The girl just stared at the doctor then at the half drained boy.

"I was just-" "You were just what! You have any idea how bad your condition is getting?? You act like you are all well but as a doctor I know what you are going through.... Renjun..."

Voice getting softer towards the end the doctor kept a comforting hand on his shoulders as the boys eyes met the concerned ones of the doctor.

"Please rest as much as you can, don't overwork yourself cause your condition ain't getting any better" he repeated once again before prescribing some more medicines as leaving the room.

Those words hit him. Your condition ain't getting any better. Hating the feeling of fear that his life is gonna end brewing up in him as he shook his head.

A tear slid down his soft cheeks as he forcefully rubbed it off. Hating that small drop of salt water. He hated crying, he felt it made him weak, but how much ever he tried he couldn't stop it.

As each tear fell he rubbed them instantly not letting them wet his cheeks. But the more they poured the more weaker he became.

"No...don't cry you're not weak" trying his best to calm himself down he took deep breaths, letting his head fall back.

But nothing worked, the pain never disappeared, it kept hurting the more he tried to ignore it. Small sobs slowly being let out he shut his eyes tightly.

A warm hand slid on his shoulders before his head was pulled towards a warm surface.

"It's okay, let it out. You can cry. If you're thinking crying makes you weak no it doesn't, it makes you stronger. Cry and you'll feel better"

Her soft voice rang through his ears as his wails became louder, filling the room. Pouring all of his pain out in the form of tears as he slowly let his weaker side out.

Being vulnerable under her touch he let out more painful sobs as the girl felt her heart drop at the sound of his wails.

After all he was just like her, losing his teenage life just to be forced into this four walls for the rest of his life until he let out his last breath. She hated the world for being this cruel, always wondering what wrong did people like her do to even recieve such a life.

When he should now probably be enjoying his life with his friends hanging out late at night, while breaking his head for school exams and tests, here he is crying his heart out in pain everyday as he tried to stay positive and alive.

All of a sudden she just wanted him to be happy and for him to live the life she wanted to have.

A happy hospital free worry free life.

His sobs slowly died down as he cleared his throat. His eyes blurry while the dried tears stained his rosy cheeks.

His vision solely focused on the what that was infront of him as he felt her warm hands unknowingly comforting. Her hands soothingly rubbing through his hair as he gave into her touch.

Feeling a sense secureness and warmth in her touch he leaned to it.

"Can we just stay like this for a while??" His voice quavered while his hushed tone loud enough for her broke the silence.

Her hum rang through his ears as he finally gave into the heavy feeling of his eyes when he finally closed it. Falling into her embrace as he pushed his head deeper into her abdomen.

A small black hole visible for him infront as he fell deeper into the hole of sleep.

The girl carefully placed the boys head on the pillow as it fell a bit deeper on the sudden weight of his head.

His peacefully sleeping figure layed there on his bed as his rythmic breaths accompanied by the constant noise of the heart rate monitor filled the air.

Staring at the boy for a few minutes before her eyes betrayed. Slogging her way towards her bed as she fell onto it. Pulling the covers upto her chin, the heater noise along with his breathing came out to be a perfect background noise as the girl fell asleep.

 Pulling the covers upto her chin, the heater noise along with his breathing came out to be a perfect background noise as the girl fell asleep

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The constant breathing of the two diffused in the air as the two individuals stared at them.

"How much longer doctor??" The bitter voice of the nurse popped up as the doctor sighed in bitterness. "The boy not longer than 4 months.

He is getting worse faster than expected. The girl still has a chance. She can survive the surgery even at the last month of her life. Only if she'd agree for the surgery..." His voice dragged through the end as he tapped the board on his hand.

"Theres nothing else we can do. Just wait and see and leave it to god" he ended before leaving the room along with the nurse.

All of this was not went unheard by that one boy. He heard them everything well and clear, crystal clear.

 He heard them everything well and clear, crystal clear

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