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Narrator's POV:

"I really think this one is going to work out for you Louis." The foster car woman says from the driver's seat of the car.

Louis doesn't spare the women a response, having heard these words countless times before.

The first few years of Louis's life were like any other Childs, he went to school, had his friends, played sports. But everything seemed to change when he turned nine years old.

Louis had never had a father present in his life, the man had left when he found out that his mother was pregnant with him. However his mother Jay loved him more than life itself so he hadn't worried about it often.

Him and Jay were driving to go grab dinner one night when they were hit head-on by a drunk driver. It took nearly an hour for the ambulance to come, due to the accident having happened in a fairly secluded area.

But by the time the paramedics had gotten to Jay she had already passed on. It was more than a miracle that Louis even survived, his body had been crushed in by the seat in front of him. He had extreme eternal bleeding, three broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and a pretty serious concussion.

He was rushed to the hospital, and once he was stable they had informed him about what had happened to his mother. He was heartbroken.

The police who were put on the case of the crash had immediately informed the foster care agency, who looked to see whose care Louis would be put under. It was found that Louis had never really had any type of relationship with any of his relatives because all of them had lived out of state and Jay was never really close with them.

The agency had reached out to a few friends of Jay's, wondering if any of them had any interest in adopting Louis but all had rejected the offer.

Thus sending Louis into the foster care system.

You would be surprised by the sheer number of terrible foster families that were part of the system and Louis had to endure countless amounts of them.

It was the same thing every time. The family would appear all nice and friendly at the start, then a few days in everything would turn sour. Sometimes he was beaten, sometimes he was starved, sometimes worse.

But eventually, social services would come back to check on him and his new "family" and find him covered in bruises, and he would just be sent back into the system again.

Some of the homes lasted longer than others but never longer than a year, it just depended on how good of an act that the family could put on when social services did their checkups.

But now here Louis was, now sixteen years old, being brought to yet again another foster family.

"Just give it a chance kid, this family has fostered in the past and I think this one is going to be a fit for you." The woman continues.

Louis knew that wasn't true but he just presses his lips together and nods anyways.

She smiles brightly at Louis's response before returning her eyes to the road in front of her.


Louis's POV:

I take a shallow breath as we pull up to the home. I don't know what to expect, some families are worse than others so I can only hope that this one isn't quite as dreadful as ones I have in the past.

I hop out of the backseat, grabbing the backpack full of my stuff as I do so.

The woman whose name I somehow still don't know gets out of the car along with me and I let her lead the way up to the house.

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