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Harry's POV:

It takes about two weeks for Lou's concussion to fade and for his healing process to get well underway enough for him to start to feel normal again thankfully because watching him in pain is all of our least favorite things in the world, even though he constantly denies ever being in any.

We took the two weeks off of uni as well so we were able to be with him and take care of him while he was home and recovering. I think he is getting a little stir crazy just staying in the house but he hasn't complained a word.

"Lou, finish that toast, please. Fruit is not enough to get you through the day." Edward says leaning over the breakfast table to get closer to Louis.

"If I eat it then will you let me go to school?" Lou asks with an adorable pout.

Though he hasn't complained, he has been asking to go back to school for the past few days now. But honestly, none of us want him ever going back especially when we haven't figured out what shit head touched him.

But even though we haven't exactly figured out who it is, we have come up with a plan. We know that there is no possible way we could get Louis to tell us, trust me we have done nothing but try to get it out of him for the past two weeks but it's no use, he won't budge.

We reached out to Niall, we had never spoken a word to this boy before but he and our Lou seem to be quite close. He has come over a few times to check on Louis and at first, we were slightly jealous of the Irish boy but it only took us about five minutes with the hyper lad to realize he was a good kid and not a threat.

He wanted to help Louis just as much as we did so we have a plan to send Louis into school with Niall who is going to watch his every move to see if there is a single person who seems the slightest bit related to the issue at hand and he if he finds anyone, he will call us, we plan to be waiting outside the school for the call. Once we get it, we simply will come to get the kid and well do what needs to be done.

Honestly, we didn't love the plan at first because we don't want there to be any chance even if it is a small one of this kid getting to him again and hurting him. But we just need to get this douchebag taken care of and we aren't ever going to let something happen again.

"Yes baby, if you finish your breakfast then we will get you to school but only if you are seriously feeling up to it," I interject, as I walk past him and kiss his forehead.

"I am I promise," He responds eagerly.

I am glad that he isn't scared to go back to school, Marcel, Edward, and I were a little worried that he would be scarred from what happened and not want to step foot back onto that campus. And of course, if that was the case we would have figured it out but either way, we are going to be keeping a very close eye on him while he's at school, and that eye is Niall.

We are putting a lot of trust into this kid, more than I would like actually but this is how we are going to catch this piece of shit in a way that isn't making more of a problem for Louis.

We know that he really doesn't enjoy a surplus of attention from anyone, nonetheless from a bunch of random kids from his school. We are pretty sure the amount of attention put on him may have been the problem in the first place but we aren't exactly sure.

That actually is the main reason we are going with this plan is that Louis is still the first priority and life harder for him is just going to bring us further away from our goal.

"Alright then darling, but I need you to swear that if you start to feel any worse you will call us immediately," Marcel says to him.

We all watch admiring Lou as he adorably eats the toast quickly, wanting to get it out of his way as soon as possible.

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