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Louis's POV:

"Can we take you home munchkin?" Edward asks.

None of them had said anything for nearly twenty minutes, as they just sat on the floor with me in their arms, not wanting to startle me a think.

But by now I know they must be sore from sitting on the concrete and I want to go home, looking at this place is making me feel off.

Well actually I have felt off since the second Chris touched me, I don't feel like myself and I can't kick it, I don't like it.

But I nod into his shoulder, I'm ready to go home.

"Okay bub," Edward says gently, lifting me out of Harry's lap.

I close my eyes as we walk through the halls of the station, I don't want to even remember any of this. Also for some reason, I am afraid that Chris is going to just pop up somewhere or something.

I stayed curled up in Edward's hold as he sits in the back row of the car, one of my other triplets driving.

I get lost in thought practically the whole ride home, not even acknowledging the fact that it has been silent the whole car ride.

I also fail to acknowledge the continuously worried glances they give each other.

"Darling, what are you thinking about?" Harry questions from the driver's seat.

"I don't know really, just everything I guess." I sigh, finally pulling myself out of Edward's neck so I can actually speak to them.

"Everything meaning Chris? Or is it more than that?" Marcel asks.

I don't know how he knows what's wrong when I don't even know.

"I don't know why I feel like this. He didn't even do what he wanted to do, why am I so affected by this?" I ask the boys and honestly myself.

"Louis, just because he didn't 'do what he wanted to do' doesn't mean he didn't sexually assault you. And that especially doesn't mean you should be any less affected by what happened. You are being very brave Louis and you need to give yourself more credit. It is going to take you some time to feel all better but we are going to work through this together." Edward says, looking in my eyes deeply.

Time, they are going to have to deal with me for whatever amount of 'time' this takes for me to be normal again. I have legitimately not stopped being a burden to these boys for one second.

"Stop, I can tell you are stressing about something else. You are playing with your fingers. We know this is a lot baby but we are going to take care of you, just let us in." Marcy says from the front, making me freeze my hands immediately, blush coating my cheeks.

I nod ever so slightly and with that Edward turns my head back towards him and touches his lips to mine with so much ease and caution as if he was following my pace.

I feel the boy's in the front's eyes on me. I can also feel the car speed up slightly, I can tell they want to get home faster.

Edward gently licks along my bottom lip before slipping his tongue into my mouth passionately.

It is only a few more moments before I feel the car coming to a stop and the engine is turned off as the two triplets in the front practically rush out of their seats to get to us in the back.

They open the door and Edward lifts me up once again and carries me inside, not disconnecting our lips a single time.

He brings me up the stairs with ease and into their room before laying me down on the bed and then pulling back, causing me to whimper slightly.

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