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Louis's POV:

When the triplets brought me back out of my space I felt at ease once again, just so safe and... I don't know, light maybe?

The boys had showered and clothed me while I was under so I woke up all warm and snuggly before we all headed downstairs, figuring that we should probably actually do something with the day.

We were all sitting around the couch when Harry got an email that made him groan in annoyance when read.

"Oh Jesus fucking Christ. Marcel, I thought you said you let the school know that yesterday was the last piece of work we were doing for the semester." Harry says, sounding rather pissed.

"I did say that, I talked to the dean and he said it was fine, he understood. As long as we are able to get back by next semester our places would be held." Marcel says back, slight confusion in his voice.

"Then why am I getting emails from our professor telling me that I have my semester finals in half an hour," Harry says.

Marcel furrows his face in confusion before he pulls out his own phone, getting the same look that Harry had moments ago.

"I don't know what that is about. I mean, the dean said we are good but this says that our spots will be given up if we aren't there to take the final because it's a core class, needed to graduate." Marcel says reading the message over and over again.

"Why don't you guys just go take it?" I suggest.

I'm not exactly seeing why they are so upset, it shouldn't take too long and if this is something that decides whether they graduate or not, it's clearly rather important.

"It's not that we are upset that we have to take it, it's just not correct." Edward pitches in, his voice sweet with me as he checks his phone as well.

"What class is it?" I ask, genuinely curious.

They all seem to chuckle at me, making me look at them slightly confused. What was funny?

"Just a lab studies science course." Marcel laughs, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

I still don't know what was so funny but I just lean into his touch anyways.

"Well we aren't leaving Louis alone to go take this, so I suppose we will have to work something out later," Harry says.

"No! I am not going to be the reason you fail out of uni." I say, shaking my head immediately.

"We aren't going to fail uni cause of some stupid final, I don't care what the email says." Edward tries to soothe me.

"No Eddie, don't even take the chance. You stopped by uni yesterday and I was fine, just do it again." I say.

I refuse to make them fail out of uni, I have already burdened their life enough that I am not literally going to ruin their whole future because they don't want to leave me alone.

"That was different darling, our mom was here to supervise yesterday and she's not going to be home for another hour." Marcel shakes his head.

"I am practically an adult, I can stay alone. Do you not see me as one?" I ask slight sadness in my voice.

I don't want them to think I am just some little kid. I can watch myself, goodness.

"No no no, it's not that. We know you are but we are just protective and worried since everything happened but I guess your right." Harry says, his face looking uncertain with his own words.

"So you will take the test?" I ask, hopeful.

I don't think I could ever forgive myself for being the reason they got kicked out of uni.

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