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Marcel's POV:
A few hours earlier

"Jesus this shit better be quick," Harry complains as we pull into the college campus parking lot.

"I don't get it, I walked to the dean yesterday, he said we were excused from taking this," I say, reading the message for the 50th time.

"Alright, Marcel I can't listen to you keep saying that, just call him for Christ's sake if you are so confused," Edward says as he takes the keys out of the ignition.

I don't respond but do as he says and dials the dean's number.

The conversation is rather short and sweet between us as he tells me that there must have been some type of mistake in the system and the emails were wrongfully sent and that we were still excused.

"You mean we came all the way here for nothing?" Harry complains, leaning his head back in frustration.

"It doesn't make sense, he says he didn't send the email but they are from his email address," I say, honestly just lost.

Neither of them gets to respond to me because Edward's phone then rings loudly.

"It's Alec." Edward's face lights up at the sight.

He slides the answer button and puts it on the speakerphone. We have been waiting for this call all day.

"Alec, tell me some good news, please. Is the case closed?" Edward asks the exact second the call connects.

We hear a sighing sound through the phone which worries us all.

"I'm sorry boys but Chris never showed up to court and they say he has somehow managed to make a run for it," Alec informs, worrying us all.

"Run for it? What the fuck do you mean run for it?" Harry says both confused and angry.

"I'm with the police now and they are in the process of tracking his ankle cuff right now, figured you would want to be in the loop for the verdict of his whereabouts," Alec says, sighing again as he puts us on speakerphone as well.

Run for it? How the hell could they let the man who sexually assaulted and abused Louis run fucking free.

The only thing that is holding me back from just seeing red right now is the worry for Louis I have right now, he doesn't have any idea about any of this but he's all alone and I have a bad feeling. Well, I have had a bad feeling since we left.

"Holy fucking shit." We hear Alec's now deeply worried voice say.

"What Alec? What's wrong? Where is he?" I throw all the questions at him.

"Boys what's ur address again?" He asks, causing all of our hearts to drop the stop.

"3875 stone meadow lane... Why?" Edward asks slowly, even though he already knows the answer.

We are all praying this is some kind of sick joke.

"Oh my god, he's there. I'm sending police now, lock your doors." Alec says quickly.

"Fuck we aren't home, Louis's there alone. Shit shit shit." Edward yells starting up the car again.

"Get police there and we will be there," I say before hanging up the phone.

I call Louis immediately but it just goes to voice mail.

"Fuck!" I yell frustrated.

Chris is going to get to him before we can get home.

Edward pulls out of the car park faster than I have ever seen. He peels down the street, the speed monitor on the car going higher than recommended.

"I am not letting him touch Louis," Harry says while telling Edward to speed up.

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