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Louis's POV:

The next morning at school was nothing too crazy. I had a talk with Niall and I told him that I had just lost track of time which was why I didn't end up meeting him for lunch yesterday. He seemed to believe me mostly and forgave me, even though he wasn't really upset in the first place, seemed to just be a little bit worried.

I promised him that I would sit with him today, though I really hope that doesn't cause an issue with that boy, who is yet to say anything to me, he only spared me a few glances in the halls.

When the bell rang for the third period I was happy to find myself getting to class on time for once, making my way to the back end of the classroom where I tend to sit.

I feel my stomach drop when I see the boy who has tormented me for the past two days enter the room, his eyes land on me immediately as I just stare at him terrified.

What is he doing here? This is a year three class.

My breathing picks up a bit as he walks over to me but just before reaching me sits right behind me, I can feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head but I don't dare to even turn. He doesn't want me to mess with his popularity and I am not taking any chances.

I just don't understand why he is here and why he is sitting right behind me if he hates me so much.

"Welcome back class," My teacher greats, settling the group of noisy teenagers down a bit.

My body is stiff, the fear present in my mind of having the boy behind me, I have always hated the uncertainty of having people behind me.

"I'm sure a couple of you have noticed that we have a transfer in this class. Chris there in the back of the class is the fourth year but decided that this class would be a better fit for him. So please welcome him with open arms like I know you all can." Our teacher says, making my heart stop.

Transfer? Meaning that he was now going to be in this class for the rest of the year? I am going to have to go through the anxiety of having this man next to me for an hour every single day, I can not do that.

"Excuse me, sir, may I be excused for a moment?" I ask politely as my teacher passes my desk, handing me some type of worksheet a few moments later.

"Of course, you may, hurry back please though." He says before moving on to give out the classwork.

With that I am up out of my seat and rushing out the door, doing my best to not make a scene.

But once I am out of the classroom I find the halls empty and run out the back doors of the school, which luckily were only a few rooms away from where I was.

Once I get outside I am glad to see the back of the school seems to look slightly abandoned, so there is no chance of anyone needing to come out here.

I find myself spewing into the bushes, the anxiety taking over my body. I cringe horribly at the feeling before turning and sliding my back down the brick wall a few feet away, trying to control my staggered breath.

I am not going to be able to escape this boy for at least a year, he is going to torment me as he has the past two days.

As if on cue the boy 'Chris' busts through the same door I did moments ago, a look of pure rage painted on his face.

"What the hell happened to keep a low profile? Running out in the middle of class, god what the hell is wrong with you." He yells and sends a swift kick to my stomach, causing me to lean forward in pain.

"I'm s-sorry. Stop p-please." I beg as he sends a second kick.

Why is he doing this to me? Because I left the classroom? No one was even looking at me, I checked.

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