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Louis's POV:

"You sure you got everything, Louis?" Sadie asks me as she grabs my dirty breakfast dish out of my hands and moves it to the sink.

"I think so," I say, fidgeting with my hands like there is no tomorrow.

My anxiety about going to school woke me up around 4 AM and I've been trying to keep myself calm ever since but it isn't working, in less than half an hour I am going to have to go into a building full of scary people I have never met in my entire life.

It was the same feeling I get each time I go to a new foster, except for some reason this is a lot worse.

"I packed you lunch and don't worry about your school supplies yet, I will get that this afternoon. The triplets wanted to take you but I know you are going to have a great day kiddo, trust me. This is a great school but if anything happens or you just need to come home, just have the office give me a call and I will come to get you, no matter what." She tells me, crouching down in front of me.

I nod, "Thank you, ma'am,"

"Of course bud, you are going to have a great day, don't stress it." She says, probably noticing that I can't even stay still.

My eyes are darting around the room as I feel myself shaking slightly.

She grabs one of my shaky hands, making me flinch a bit, she frowns and gives me an apologetic look before giving my hand a reassuring squeeze which calms me slightly.

"Boys," She calls out, signaling to the triplets that it was time to head out.

The triplets then walk into the kitchen, I'm not sure from where, but they all are now dressed in black skinnies and all are wearing different button-ups, they looked nice.

I hadn't seen them since they woke me up this morning, we both were busy getting ready. I also was avoiding them slightly just out of embarrassment from when they told me that they carried me up to bed last night after I had asked what happened.

"We know mom, we already warmed up the car," Harry says, swinging the keys on his ring-covered fingers.

"Alright then, don't make him late on his first day of school. I want at least one of you to walk him down to the office and make sure he is settled before you head to uni, okay?" Sadie says seriously to the boys.

"Of course mom. We will take care of him don't worry." Edward tells Sadie and I feel butterflies rush through my already uneasy stomach.

"I know you will." She says back, her tone softer this time.

They then all turn to me, my nerves are getting worse and worse the more everyone talks about school but I try to not show it, I don't need to burden them any more than I already have.

The triplets' eyes trail around me as if they can just see straight through my act but they seem to shake it off for the time being, thankfully.

"Ready to go Lou?" Marcel asks, giving me a reassuring smile.

I just nod, not trusting my words to follow through on my lie.

"Okay, let's roll," Harry says before he grabs my backpack for me, already walking away before I can stop him.

Marcel puts his hand in the small of my lower back, I find myself not flinching, oddly enough finding comfort in his touch.

His gentle hold leads me towards the garage where a nice seemingly expensive Matt black car is found.

"Who's driving?" Marcel asks, looking up at his brothers.

"That would be me," Edward says, stealing the keys out of Harry's hand.

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