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Louis's POV:
A few months later

"Louis!" Niall shrieks as I throw a small pinch of flour on his face.

I giggle historically at the pretend look of hurt on his face.

"Sorry sorry Ni, I had to," I say as I continue to crack up.

He keeps a serious face for a moment until he returns the favor and throws a bit of flour on my face as well.

I gasp before I begin to chase him out of the kitchen, both of us forgetting about our half-made cookie dough entirely.

I chase Niall around the house for a few moments and nearly catch the back of his shirt when I feel a strong set of arms wrap around my waist, causing me to cease all movement as the arms lift me in the air and plot me on my hip, my giggling never stopping for a moment.

"Are you tormenting blondie little one?" Harry asks, swaying me in his hold a little.

"Nooooo, he threw flour in my face." I pout, leaning my head back to show them how much of my face is now covered in white powder.

"Hmm is that so?" Edward pitches in coming over and brushing the flour off of my face.

"Yes, I promise," I say, trying my best not to laugh as Niall just cracks up beside me.

Harry then tosses me down onto the couch before all three triplets attack me by poking at my sides, causing me to laugh painfully hard.

"Okay okay I threw s-some at h-him first," I say, not being able to take a second more of the nearly painful laugh.

With that, they pull away with a satisfied smirk.

"Mhm, yeah that's what I thought you said baby," Marcel says, hoping my nose and pecking my lips.

They help me back up off the couch and they toss me on Marcel's back as he walks back into the kitchen, hopefully with the intention of finishing my cookies for me.

The last few months have been a process, to say the least. It took a lot of time and patients from everyone for me to be able to make as much of a recovery mentally as I have.

The day after Chris had tried to kill me it was televised on the news that the local high school student by the name of Chris Stone had been sentenced to a double life sentence for attempted rape and murder.

The boy's lawyer had called us that morning to say that having all the police as witnesses were able to put the case over the edge and not a single one of us have heard a thing about him since.

But once the break-in had happened the boys decided it was best to up my sessions with Sasha to once every other day.

At first, I was a bit reluctant about the idea of having to talk about myself so often but I grew to love and adore Sasha, and eventually, I worked up to the meetings just being between her and I and we started to talk about Chris more and eventually we started to talk about my past and how the triplets saved me.

But our every other day sessions lasted for about four months and after the first month or so she cleared me into going back to school.

She sent me in with a couple of tactics to help cope with the flashbacks and anxiety which had become way less frequent at that point.

But school was about 100 times more enjoyable without the constant fear of being hurt or hated.

I was able to not only grow much closer with Niall just also with Liam and Zayn. And I really just grew to really enjoy going to school and spending my time there.

As time went on Sasha slowly eased up on our sessions and now I am only seeing her once every two weeks.

The triplets always let me know how proud they are of me and that honestly is the only thing that kept me motivated to get better for the first few weeks.

The triplets as well eventually went back to Uni and started studying again but I never saw any less of them.

They still manage to drop me off and school in the morning and pick me up in the afternoon and we are all together in bed by night.

Edward continued to study med while Harry decided to lean towards maybe going into law enforcement and Marcel has mentioned thoughts about becoming a lawyer.

"You really didn't get far on these cookies did you, Lou?" Harry laughs as he looks down at the bowl which only has flour sitting in it.

"I preheated the oven," I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

They all chuckle at me as Niall and I continue to make the baked good.

While being able to enjoy my school life my teachers had begun to tell me that I was slightly ahead of the game compared to some of the other students.

At first, I just let their words slip my mind until one of my teachers brought up the idea of finishing off high school and graduating early, apparently, I would be able to which honestly made no sense to me because I had missed nearly two months of school but I think it's just because everything academically just seemed to make sense to me.

I didn't exactly have an interest in leaving my school early, especially since it meant that I would have to leave my now very close friends.

But when the opportunity of being able to join the triplets at their uni was brought up, I was immediately intrigued.

So with a little bit of work and a few too many chats with the principal, I am scheduled to graduate at the end of this year as opposed to next year.

The idea of going to uni next year was more than scary but just the knowledge of the fact that I am going to be able to physically be able to go to school with the boys was enough to settle me.

The plan is to get an apartment a few miles away from the uni because the boys say it's about time they get out of the house.

Of course, I had no interest in leaving Sadie but with the promise of family dinners every Sunday plus the reassurance of often visits, I was convinced that the lease for the apartment starts in a few weeks, once I am fully graduated.

"Our little chef," Marcel adds jokingly and I just roll my eyes at him playfully.

After we horribly burn the cookies Niall lets us know that he has to get home for dinner so the boys bid him goodbye and I give him a tight hug goodbye, making sure he gets to his care safely before Edward throws me over his shoulder and walks around the house with me just dangling.

"Edward." I laugh, playfully snaking his back.

He then sits me on the counter and stands himself in between my legs as my other two boys wrap around me as well.

"Finally alone, thought blondie would never leave," Harry says making me gasp and hit his chest.

"Be nice, you love Niall," I say.

"Hmmm no, we love you," Marcel says before peppering kisses all over my face, making me laugh again.

"Well, I love you guys too," I say,

"We love you most."


Hello darlings!
Oh my goodness, the very last chapter of the story.
I really hope you guys have liked it.
Thank you so much for supporting me through the whole story.
I will have a new story starting soon so maybe give that a read if you like my writing.
Thank you so so so much again.
I adore you all.
I really hope you enjoy Foster Family.

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