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Louis's POV:

The next few weeks go by rather slowly.

The thoughts and fear of Chris still are yet to leave my mind. I have had a few flashbacks since the police station but it's more just a constant nagging of fear that he is going to come to find me and do it again.

It is none stop, the nightmares have lightened up a bit but I still am yet to get a full night's sleep, meaning the triplets haven't either.

It doesn't make any sense, I haven't had any communication with Chris since it happened but I still can't get him out of my fricking mind.

And part of me knows that there is no way he is going to get to me, his trial is still ongoing, and it has been for a few weeks now.

I know that triplets are purposely not telling me anything about the trial, whenever I ask about it they just tell me not to worry about it or that the lawyer is handling it.

But what they did tell me is that I am meeting with the therapist for the first time today. They apparently did a bunch of research on her and they met her a few times, wanting to make sure she's right for me.

I honestly don't understand why they want me to talk to some random person so much. I mean the last time I actually fully talked about what happened I had a literal break down but I promised them I would give her a shot so here I am.

"Hey buddy," Sadie says smiling at me as I step out of my room.

The triplets had to quickly make a stop at their uni to finish something, they are supposed to be home soon and they have only been out for a few hours but I miss them, not that I don't enjoy my time with Sadie.

"Hi Sadie," I say giggling a bit as she pulls me into a hug, this being her first time seeing me this morning.

She pulls back from the hug and studies my face for a moment, making me slightly confused.

"What's wrong? Do you miss the boys, is that it? Because trust me they miss you too, I practically had to force them to leave this morning." She asks, slight worry in her voice but she tries to cover it up with a joke.

I swear the way this family can always just analyze me like that amazes me.

"No, well yes of course I always miss them. I-I just am a little nervous about meeting the therapist lady." I confess, not exactly sure as to what I am supposed to call the woman.

Her look softens.

"Oh bud," She says looking at me sadly before she continues.

"There is nothing you have to worry about. She knows about what happened and he isn't going to force you into talking about anything you don't want to." She comforts.

Does she already know? I thought the whole point of this thing was to tell her what happened and then she does something about it.

"Do I have to be alone with her?" I ask, voicing another one of my worries.

I have had issues being around people I don't know very well in the past few weeks, and being alone with someone I have never met before just doesn't sound great.

"This is about you being comfortable Louis, that's why she is coming to the house. If you want the boys there or me there then that is perfectly fine. But at some point, you may actually find it more comforting to just be alone with her." Sadie says, her hand rubbing my shoulder gently.

I nod a bit, not wanting to think about it anymore until she actually gets here.

By the time the triplets finally get home they greet me sweetly and let me know that she is supposed to be here in a few minutes.

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