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Louis's POV:

"I thought you said I wasn't going to go to the therapist for a few more days?" I ask, looking up at the boys stressed.

"Well this actually isn't the therapist sweetheart, that still won't be for a few more days you're right about that don't worry. The police actually need us to take you down to the station so you can just give them a really quick statement about what happened. They apparently need it before they can even begin to convict the person that did this to you." Marcel says very gently as he pours me a cup of tea, which is what I had told them I wanted for breakfast.

I woke up this morning still with an uneasy stomach about what happened and I had a nightmare-filled sleep but the triplets woke up every single time I as much as quivered and were there to comfort me.

Once it was actually an acceptable time to wake up we made our way down to the kitchen once again, where we are now.

"A statement? You mean tell them about w-what happened?" I ask wide-eyed.

They look at me sadly and nod a bit.

"We're sorry Lovie, we really are. We tried our best to get you out of it but we couldn't." Harry says grabbing my hand from across the table to comfort me.

I don't want to, I just agreed to talk to a therapist once, and now I am going to be forced into talking to more people I have never met.

"I thought you said Chris was already in jail. Is he not really in jail?" I ask hesitantly.

He's out? Meaning he can hurt me, or try and get back at the triplets somehow and hurt them?

I feel my entire body tense.

"No no no darling, he is in jail right now we promise. It's just they can't keep him there for much longer unless we give a statement." Edward says noticing my stress immediately.

Let him out? But they saw what he did to me, well not technically but the police were there, they must know I am not lying about this.

"The choice is yours though baby, we know that doing this would be hard and if you decide to not give a statement that is perfectly okay too. We would work something out, get a restraining order or something. Either way, we will make sure he never touches you again, we promise." Marcel tells me, slowly setting down my tea in front of me, causing me to flinch at a noise that is anything other than the triplet's voices.

They pet my upper body reassuringly as they watch me think.

I don't want him to get out of jail, I don't want him to come and find me or the triplets. There is no chance I am going to let that happen, even if it means I have to go talk to someone about what happened.

"I'll do it," I say in a bit of a whisper.

"Are you sure Louis, they are going to ask you questions about god knows what. You really don't have to do this if you don't want to." Edward says as he stands behind my chair, stroking my shoulders gently.

"No, I want to. I can manage it."

"You shouldn't have to manage anything darling," Harry says, moving to look in my eyes seriously as the other two triplets stayed planted behind me.

"I'm not, I don't want him out of jail, ever," I say, cringing at the idea.

I hear them all let out a breath before Marcel says something.

"If you are sure bug, then we gotta go in a few minutes." He says and I nod.

"But you have to eat something before we go, that's the only way there is any chance you are leaving this house," Edward says, his voice full of gentle dominance.

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