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Edward's POV:

I try my best to not let my joy overtake me because if I attack this tiny boy with joy, that will definitely overwhelm him and I'm pretty sure he's already freaked out enough.

I can tell my brother are in the same mindset but who wouldn't freak out when the boy of their dreams agrees to give them a shot. 

Harry already had the boy facing him so he did what all three of us wanted to do again and kissed Louis.

I could see how flustered it makes Louis, he is adorable.

It may be odd but I liked that he had little to no experience, it showed that he had never been anyone's before. He has always been ours, even if he didn't know so. The fact that we are going to be able to show him a whole new world of feelings and emotions and pleasures was a unreal thought.

When they pull away Lou has a pink coat covering his cheeks and his little soft lips were swollen. 

Harry leans down and places a gentle yet full kiss on the top of Louis's forehead before fully pulling back to his seat.

"Alright sweetheart, we will give you your alone time back, sorry if we intruded a bit by coming in here. We were just worried. You know where our room is if you need anything. Thank you, you won't regret giving us a chance." Marcel says softly as his hands hover over Louis's waist from behind, not knowing whether Louis would be comfortable with it.

Honestly, none of us wanted to leave but we already kind of forced ourselves in here and we should give him some time to think with all of this happening so quickly for him. I would prefer to just stay here and wrap him in my arms but he probably just wants to be on his own for a bit.

"It's o-okay, thank you." He says, still clearly comprehending everything. 

I kiss Louis's cheek softly, and my brothers both follow my actions before standing up.

We make our way over to the bedroom door, leaving Lou sitting still watching us, a small smile plastered on his face

"See you soon baby," I say, giving him a smile before the three of us step out and close the door behind us.

We wait until we are a fair distance away from the door before we jump around like little fucking kids,

"Oh my god," Harry says, with seriously the biggest smile I have ever seen on him.

"He's ours." Marcel pitches in, his face matching Harry's.


It had been a few hours and we haven't heard a word from Louis since we left his room. We are slightly anxious and honestly, we miss him but he probably is still just overwhelmed. 

We had spent a few hours without him talking about what we thought possibly could have made him so upset earlier. We never want to see him like that, it was physically painful.

Clearly, it was something that happened at school but we just aren't sure what. It could have just been anxiety about the change but we knew that it was something more than that. Lou was used to change.

"You think we should go check on him? Just make sure he's okay, we should get him fed soon anyways." I suggest.

We never went far from his room, we wanted to be close just in case he needed something so we have just been sitting in our room, doing some work.

"Read my mind, Ed," Harry says as he stands up and makes his way over to the door.

We gently knock on the door for what feels like the millionth time today and get no response. I go to knock again, thinking he must not have heard it when I hear a soft snore bumbling in the room.

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