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Louis's POV:

I can't get his hands off of me, no matter how much I scream and cry, I can't get them away.

"Louis baby, wake up baby. You're okay."

I flinch awake, the feeling of the painful hands leaving my mind.

The triplets were surrounding me and have their arms wrapped around me protectively.

My mind is immediately flushed with the memories of what happened. The feeling of Chris touching me and the words he said to me. I feel my breath quickening at the sheer thought.

The triplets are going to hate me. They are doing to think I'm used and damaged goods.

"Sweetheart takes a deep breath okay? We know you are very overwhelmed right now but you have to do your best to keep yourself calm." Edward says to me.

I sit up in the bed in a panic, they all sit up with me.

"I'm s-sorry, I didn't l-let him. I promise." I say quickly.

"Shh, Louis no bug. We know you didn't want any of that, none of that was your fault. Can we hold you?" Harry asks, petting my cheek a bit.

I nod quickly, I want to be in their arms.

They pull me back into their holds which I had pulled out of when I sat up. It's warm and comforting.

"B-but he touched me. You must think gross." I say, honestly not being able to contain my thoughts, I can't even tell what I am saying out loud right and what is staying in my mind.

"Darling, no. No no no, you are not gross in the slightest bit. That piece of shit is rotting in a prison cell as we speak and none of this is your fault. He is never going to touch you again. We promise." Marcel says.

"Do you think that you can try and calm your breathing though little one? For us? Be a good boy." Edward says, knowing that the praise would work on me and it immediately did and I try to take a breath.

It is shaky and staggered but they nod a bit.

"Good job baby, you are doing so well. Just keep going. Follow Marcel's breathing." Harry says, putting my hand onto Marcel's chest, allowing me to feel it calmly rise and fall.

"H-he's gone?" I ask, shaking a bit.

"Yes little one, he's gone. You are never going to have to see him again. Ever." Edward says, rubbing my back trying to calm me,

I relax the tiniest bit at his words but, I can't shake the fear in my mind.

They whisper sweet nothing in my ear and rock me in their arms until I am entirely calm, or at least enough for my breathing to normalize.

"Do you want to talk about it yet?" Edward asks very gently as if he already knows the answer.

"No," I say, shaking my head rapidly at the thought of having to talk about it.

"Okay okay, it's okay. Don't worry we aren't going to make you talk." He says at my reaction.

I thank them silently with my eyes before laying back in their arms.

"Why don't we go make you some dinner munchkin?" Marcel asks after a while of us just sitting like this.

I know that they are just doing this to try and distract me but honestly, I do need a distraction right now so I just nod.

Harry takes me in his arms, lifting me as I rest my head on his shoulder, just looking at the ground spaced out.

I don't miss the worried look that the boys share with each other as they walk but I just do my best to ignore it. I'm already causing issues for them with this.

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