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Marcel's POV:

A little while earlier

"His texts said nothing yet but we haven't heard from him in hours," I say to my brothers getting extremely frustrated that I don't know the status of my Louis.

"They are probably in class Marcel, we will figure it out soon calm down." Harry tries to ease my mind a bit but I can tell he isn't feeling great about this either.

As If on cue, the sound of a phone rings through the car speakers and I immediately slam the pick-up button, knowing this is it.

"Niall, what's going on?" Edward says the very second the call connects.

"I need your help, he said he was just grabbing his phone and he wouldn't let me go with him but he's been gone for nearly ten minutes now and I don't know where he went." Niall's voice rings in our ears in a panic.

Worry sets in our minds at his words.

We don't even respond before we are running out of the car and into the school as fast as we possibly can.

It was a big enough risk sending him to school, we knew that someone was after him and now he is missing. There was no time to waste.

Niall is standing pacing right in front of the door as we get in.

"I promise I tried to go with him but he wouldn't let me and then I tried to follow after him but he was already gone. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Niall says in an extremely hectic voice once he sees us.

"It's alright kid, just calm down," I say, trying to keep my calm with this kid.

It's not his fault but we should have known that something would have gone wrong.

"Did he say anything about where he was going?" Harry asks, keeping our priorities at hand.

"He said he was going to get his phone, but I don't know where he left it. I mean he just had chemistry but I didn't know whether I should have gone there or called you." Niall says, still in a panic.

"Calm down kid, you did your job. Just call the police please, I am going to catch this son of a bitch." Edward says quickly before turning his attention back to our panic.

"Let's go," I state before we are all running again.

We are aware of the fact that he could actually be perfectly fine and just taking his time getting the phone but I have a bad feeling and after all that has happened, we are not taking any chances.

We run through the halls absurdly fast, paying no mind to the weird looks we received from the few people in the hall.

But then we heard it. Screaming, our Louis screaming.

It was faint and in the distance but we could recognize a sound from him from anywhere.

The color drains from all of our faces and we run even faster if possible. Something is wrong.

The cries for help get louder and louder as we get closer to the Chemistry classroom, a dead giveaway as to where he is.

"Fuck!" Edward says as he finds the door is locked.

It would take a minute to get through the thick door and Louis's cries are getting louder and louder with every second. What is he doing to our baby?

"Louis, we are coming baby," Harry yells but I doubt the boy can hear us over his own screams of pain and fear.

Edward has wasted no time and was already kicking the thick large door with all of his strength.

I assisted and barged with my shoulder against the door and within a few seconds, the door busts off of its hinges and falls onto the ground.

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