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Louis's POV:

"Be quiet you dickhead you are going to wake him." I hear Marcel's voice say in a whispered tone, pulling me out of my sleep.

"No, you are going to wake him up if you don't quit touching him so much," Harry whispers back in a sassed tone.

I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to interrupt their conversation by letting them know I am awake.

"Don't say it like that you perv, I am just rubbing his back trying to keep him asleep and comforted unlike you," Harry argues.

I was curious to know what they were even talking about and where Edward was, I was still wrapped up in Marcel's arms in bed, so I couldn't feel if there was the weight of another body around us.

I could sense that we were now laid down when I realized that my body was just fully on top of Marcel's with his arms still around my waist. My embarrassment seems to bubble back up when I remember how I got here in the first place last night.

"What is that supposed to mean? How am I not comforting him? I would never do anything to make him uncomfortable." Marcel says, immediately getting very defensive at the accusation.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure there wasn't a single time he tried to roll off of you last night," Harry says in a mocking tone.

"You are just jealous because I got to hold him all night and you didn't. So once again fuck off and be quiet, he doesn't have to be up for twenty more minutes." Marcel ends the whispered argument with his brother.

I hear Harry let out a frustrated sigh but doesn't say anything else.

I don't like knowing that I am the source of their disagreement.

After a few moments of silence between the two I twinkle my eyes open, the two boys notice almost immediately.

"Well good morning sunshine. We didn't wake you did we?" Harry asks, his tone so much softer than the one he used with his brother.

"Morning, no, I just woke up," I say lying, not wanting to start another argument for them.

"Hm alright good. Are you hungry? Edward is downstairs making you some breakfast, he should be up here soon." Marcel says, playing with my hair a little bit.

"Oh that was sweet, thank you guys," I say shyly, feeling flustered at how much they seemed to care.

"Of course darling, how are you feeling?" Harry asks, subtly hinting back to what happened last night.

I press my lips together awkwardly.

"Better, I'm sorry again for bothering you guys," I say, the guilt creeping back a bit.

"Never. We always want you to come to us when something is wrong, we want to take care of you bug." Marcel says kindly.

That still confuses me, why do they have any interest in being so nice to me? I decide to not say anything about it, not wanting to jinx it.

But I just don't understand, most people don't like me. I mean just that kid at school yesterday- wait, school.

I abruptly pull off of Marcel's chest and sit up, ignoring the fact that I was now straddling his laid-down body.

"W-what time is it?" I say, slightly in distress.

It is only the second day of school, I can't be late again.

"It's only 6:50 love, you still have a few more minutes until you need to start getting ready, don't worry," Marcel says as he pulls me back down onto his chest.

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