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Louis's POV:

His lips connect with mine. Gentle at first before after a few moments with heat and hunger. I softly moan into his mouth in shock, but let him take full control over me. I have always been a rather submissive person but I want to submit to them.

I hear the other two triplets shift around me. One of them presses behind me and leans me back against their chest and I feel one of his hands in my hair while the other wraps around my waist. The touch was sweet in gentle yet had intention and hunger, I can tell it's Edward.

The third triplet then seems to position himself on my side and I then feel his lips connect with my neck, causing me to gasp slightly. It was a new sensation but it was great.

All the attention and affection made me feel amazing, so loved and cared for.

Marcel's tongue slips into my mouth making me moan more.

"Good baby boy, let us hear you," Edward says before his lips connect with my neck like Harry has his.

I blush again. I have never done anything like this and mentally I am really hoping I don't mess anything up.

My eyes open back up when I feel Marcel's lips pull away from mine and he lifts me up once again and he lays me down on my back directly on the couch before all the boys adjust and hover over me, making me squirm under the three's gaze.

"Do you trust us, darling?" Harry asks gently.

"Yes," I say somehow with zero hesitation.

I don't know how I trust them already, I have only known them for a few days but somehow I do, like no other.

"Okay sweetheart, just relax. Let us take control." Edward says before he connects his lips with mine.

I follow his instruction and relax as he runs his hand up and down my body.

I feel the other triplets' hands running up and down my body like their brothers' are. After a moment Ed's lips move down to nipping and gently sucking at my neck, causing me to make sounds that I honestly didn't think could come out of my mouth.

Suddenly I feel one of the triplets gently cup their hand over my clothed crotch, making me gasp in surprise and pleasure.

"That okay baby?" Marcel's voice asks in a sweet whisper to my ear.

"Mhm, yes Marcy," I say as I lean my head back, causing Edward to ravish my neck even more.

With that Marcel begins to lightly palm me through my jeans, making me whine and moan.

"Good boy Lou, such sweet noises for us hmm?" Harry says making me nod a bit.

They then adjust so Harry is the one touching me while Marcel's lips connect with mine and Ed kisses down my still-clothed body.

I had never ever done anything like this, heck I had never even touched myself before, having been too scared that I would do something wrong but this is just so surreal.

"I-I think-" I start, pulling away from Marcel for a moment but my own moaning cuts me off as Harry speeds up his hand.

"Gonna be our good little boy and cum from us just touching you?" Edward says, turning me on beyond compare.

I nod franticly and Marcel heatedly connects his lips with mine again.

It only takes a few more moments of sweet praises from the boys and the feeling of them on me for me to hit my high with a loud high pitched moan into Marcel's mouth.

"Pull back Marcel, let us hear him."Harry's voice instructs and with that Marcel's lips leave mine.

But Harry and Edward don't cease their movements as it takes me a few more moments to come down from my blissful high.

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