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Marcel's POV:

Once Louis is fully out, we pull the hospital room chairs closer to the bed, having no intentions of moving an inch.

"I'm sorry for my accusation boys, I just want to keep my patients safe but I can clearly see you all care for him deeply and it's not you who has done this damage." Maverick's voice says, causing us to look back at him.

"It's alright, we get it. We want what's best for him and we know you do too." Edward says.

Edward is typically maybe one of the least forgiving people I have ever known, he holds grudges for sure so it's a bit shocking to see him just be so merciful with this man. But I know that it's just Louis, he would do anything for that boy, we all would.

Including killing whoever did this to him.

"You guys seem like good boyfriends, he is lucky to have you. He should be out for the next few hours at least, probably until tomorrow. We still have to wrap him and do his staples, so I will be back in a little while. But just click the call button if you need anything and I will be here." Maverick tells us as he sets his clipboard down and finishes a couple of little things on Lou.

"Thank you, doctor," We all say, turning back to our sleeping boy.

He looks so peaceful, it's painful to think that just a little while ago he was screaming and crying in pain and there was nothing we could do to help. Terrifying.

I don't know who the hell did this to him but once we find out, they are a dead man. Mark my words.

"Did someone call mom? She is going to want to know about this." I say, trying to keep my mind on other things for a moment.

We have to be here, at the moment with Louis even though he is asleep. We are going to focus on his recovery, give him our full attention, and once he is fully safe and recovered and home with us, where we can take care of him, then and only then will we find this son of a bitch.

Sure it will be rather difficult to subside the urge to find and kill this man at this exact moment but the urge to take care of our baby blue will always and forever be stronger, than all.

"No, I was too worried to even think about that. I will give her a ring in a few minutes, I really don't think I can we away from him right now. Even if it's just right outside the room." Harry says, his eyes glued to Louis.

He is pale from losing so much blood and his shirt is still gone so we are able to see all the damage, and he just looks so so small. He's asleep now but I know he is going to be scared again when he wakes up and that makes me feel nothing but guilt.

We shouldn't have let him go to school today when we knew that there was possibly someone who has been hurting him. It is our job to keep him safe and we failed.

Hell, we don't even know what happened but it's obvious that it must be the same person doing this to him, our sweet boy did nothing to deserve any of this.

"He is not going back to school until we get our hands on whoever did this," I say.

"Yeah, no question there. That's if he even wants to go back to school, he could be terrified to step back onto campus." Edward says, leaning back in his chair a bit.

"If he is, we are not going to make him go back. We will figure something out but we are not sending him somewhere he doesn't feel safe." Harry pitches in.

I nod, my heart hurting for Louis. We are supposed to be his first home where he isn't being hurt and here we are, sitting in a hospital room with him passed out right in front of our eyes.

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