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Louis's POV:

Once we get back to the house, I thank the triplets for the ride before quickly moving up to my room, I was feeling rather overwhelmed and needed to be alone for a few minutes to digest everything that has happened today.

I hear one of the boys say my name but I just pretend like I didn't hear it, not wanting to get upset in front of them and let them know something is wrong.

I lock myself in my room before sliding down the other side of it, my eyes filling with tears.

I don't even know why I am getting so upset, my day was all fine after that issue with that mean boy, heck I even made a few friends, even though I do feel like they are only being nice to me because they feel bad.

But I know that I am going to have to see that boy day after day for the next year. I was just starting to think that I was escaping people like that but I should have known it was too good to be true,

And that word he called me 'fag' was one I haven't heard in a few months. I absolutely hate it, I don't know why it affects me as much as it does but a couple of my previous foster families used their knowledge of me being gay against me, which is why I never tell anyone anymore. I just don't know how that boy somehow could just tell, what if he is going to do something to me because of it?

I don't know how I am supposed to make people like me more or at least how to make this one boy stop hating me.

I try to wipe away all the tears on my cheeks, I don't like crying, people used to tell me it made me weak but they just keep rushing out of my eyes.

I flinch when I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Uh, who is it?" I ask in a panic as I try to stop crying.

"It's us Lou, can we come in?" Edward's voice rings through the door.

I can't let them come in and see me but it's their house.

"Y-yeah sorry just give me a second," I say trying to sound normal.

I rush to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face, my tears had mostly subsided but my eyes were still bright red.

"Everything alright? We can come back if you don't want to see us right now." Marcel says, his voice had worry in it though, I could hear it.

"No no no, it's fine you can come in now."

It would look worse if I told them that something was wrong and told them to leave, pick my poison.

I make my way back into the room with haste as they are slowly opening the door still knocking on it as they do.

I paint a smile on my face.

"Hi," I say, my voice sounding slightly horse from my crying but I do my best to cover it up.

Their eyes all rake over me as I stand awkwardly, I see worry flush into their eyes almost immediately.

"What's wrong?" Edward asks, his voice sounding concerned.

They all move in towards me and I back up slightly out of instinct, causing them to cease their moments.

"What? Nothing, I'm fine." I say, keeping my smile, not giving up.

Their worry doesn't seem to subside at all.

"Louis, what is going on? Did we say something in the car to upset you?" Harry says sounding extremely concerned at the thought of being the reason I am like this.

"Nothings wrong," I repeat but I find the tears welling back up in my eyes as I think about earlier today.

I try my best to smile and push everything else down but nothing I can tell that the tears are falling through my smile.

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