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Louis's POV:

My eyes widen a bit as I had forgotten for a moment that I had no way to cover up what had happened. I slyly try and shift my body a bit so they couldn't see my shoulder but it was no use because they had clearly already seen it.

"Nothing," I shake it off.

I could see they were furious, I didn't mean to make them so mad. Edward lets out a rage-filled chuckle.

"That bull shit right there Louis, what in the world happened to your shoulder?" He asks.

They now had started walking again and were making their way over to me again.

"Nothing really, I just scraped it on a tree this morning," I say, trying to smile to make them believe I was fine.

There was no way I could tell them that someone at school did this to me. Honestly, I have no clue how they would react but there is no chance it could be good.

And what if the kid finds out that I told them then tries to hurt them too or something, I can't let that happen.

"A tree?" Marcel asks raising an eyebrow, probably calling out my lie.

"Yeah, it was pretty sharp so it ripped my shirt and got a bit of skin as well." I try to stick to the story.

Once they get close enough to me, Edward reaches out his hand and cups the under part of my shoulder, making me flinch.

"Baby.." He says worriedly.

"It's nothing," I say and try to move it out of his hold but he just very gently stops me.

Harry steps behind me and wraps his arms around my waist to calm me and stop me from struggling away.

"Let us see love, it's okay," Marcel says as he helps Edward roll up my shredded sleeve.

I whimper a bit and lean back into Harry's hold.

Edward looks over my red and purple shoulder very closely, gently running his fingers over it a few times, which caused me to whine a bit. It hurt a load.

"Louis's this is clearly not from a tree, it's not just a little scrape. It seems like some serious damage could have been done. What happened?" Edward says, his voice gentle but I can hear he's upset.

"Nothing, no one," I say, not even noticing my slip up.

I see them all take a deep breath, trying to calm themselves.

"So it was someone who did this to you," Harry says, I feel his chest grumble against my head.

"No," Is all I say.

"No more lying Louis. Was it someone from school? Goddamn it, I knew this was going to happen." Marcel says, whispering at the end but I still heard him.

"It was no one, nothing happened."

"Lou baby, come on. It's all bruised and swollen, we just want to protect you and if someone at school is hurting you we need to make sure to take care of it, sweetheart." Marcel says, clearly pushing down his rage to be softer with me.

But that boy already has an issue with me knowing the triplets, imagine what could happen if they got involved  with the whole thing, or involved with him, there is no positive outcome for anyone.

I don't say or do anything, I just look down. I don't want to lie anymore and make them upset but I can't tell them, even if I wanted to tell them I don't even know the boy's name.

A sigh erupts from all three of them.

"Okay Louis, we can't force you. I think you have a sprain though, it wouldn't be this swollen if it was just an external issue, we need to wrap it." Edward says his voice sounding a little disappointed.

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