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Edward's POV:

"Well Jesus fucking Christ Alec. How can he be able to call Louis? He is in fucking prison, is no one watching him. There already is a restraining order in place, 100% no contact. It was signed by the judge, I want you to bring this up tomorrow in trial. It can add to his sentence." I yell into the phone at our family lawyer.

"Edward, I'm not sure mate but trust me it won't be happening again and I will bring it up. Don't worry. How's the kid, is he okay? Probably freaked him outright?" His voice comes through the phone.

I sigh, leaning against the wall.

"He's honestly been scared shitless of him coming back since it happened so I doubt this helped. But the boys are taking care of him and I'll be back in there in a minute. We haven't really been telling him much on the case and trial." I say, my voice not as rage-filled anymore.

"Poor kid. That's probably best that you are keeping him out of it for now though. I didn't know the trial would be going on for this many weeks, honestly, I'm sorry. But on the bright side, his breaking the restraining order should help put the judge over the edge. It will be over soon." Alec says, giving me a slight glimpse of hope.

We have known Alec for a while, he help our mom and dad's divorce before our dad split so we really have just known him since we were little. He's always been a cool guy.

"Alright, thanks. Sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night, but keep me posted on the trial okay?" I ask.

"Of course mate, go get back to your boy." He laughs through the phone.

"Trust me, I'm going," I say before hanging up the phone.

And as I said I make my way back into the room, being sure to fully calm myself before. Lou is already in a fragile state and I don't need to scare him anymore.

"He's asleep?" I ask in a whisper, walking back into the room seeing that he is fully still.

"Yeah, pretty freak out by the call though," Harry tells me as he keeps his eyes on Louis.

"I would assume so, I mean what the fuck?" I say, thinking out loud.

"Yeah I know, what did Alec say?" Marcel asks.

"Just the same stuff, nothing determined with the case yet but he's bringing this up in court tomorrow." I sigh, walking over to the bed, getting in next to Marcel even though I would prefer to switch positions with one of them and be able to hold Louis but here we are.

"Shits been going on too long. He nearly raped Louis how is there even a case to fight here." Harry says.

We both nod.

"Let's just keep it quiet. We will let Lou know about the case once it is fully closed, we don't need to stress him out anymore than he already is." Marcel says what we have been saying since this started.

"Yup, well at least he seemed to like Sasha," I say.

"Yeah, it was cute to see him bond with her like that. I think this will be good for him." Harry says, smiling at the memory.

"Hopefully she will be able to get him to open up," I say, leaning back into the bed fully.

They both let out a little grunt response in agreement before I sigh and just look up at the ceiling, knowing that there was no shot that I am going to be able to get a minute of sleep because I am going to be thinking about this and waiting in case of another call.

God if he calls again, he's going to wish he wouldn't have the fucking hands to even pick up the phone after I am done with him.

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