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Marcel's POV:

He is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. I have never seen anything like him. He is tiny, his figure is curled up on the corner of the bed and his size makes him look no more than 11 years old. Without seeing his face I would have believed he was that young.

But his face, wow. I have never felt the need to use the word flawless more than now. He had beautiful facial structure and cute little rosy cheeks, he is utterly adorable.

"He is." I agree with my brother.

"Look at all his bruises, do you think they are from his past families?" Harry says, his voice laced with anger after noticing that all of Louis's body that he can see is covered in markings and bruises.

I hadn't even noticed them until Harry said that. I can tell that Edward hadn't either because the look in his eye changed to rage once he heard what Harry said as well.

It was clear that damage had been done to his body, some of the markings look like they are scars from years ago but some of the damage looks extremely recent.

"Jesus, poor baby. How shit can the system be that they sent him into multiple unsafe environments?" Ed says, his voice pissed but his tone was hushed to keep Louis asleep.

"I have never seen anything like this, I mean it's his entire body from what I can see. Even his face." Harry said, referring to the slight black eye he had.

Louis then stirs slightly and lets out a cute little groan. We all freeze in our places, knowing we have woken him up.

We look at each other, at a loss of what to do now. He's going to be freaked out if he wakes up and finds three random men he has never seen before standing in his room. But then again it would be a little weird for us to just run away, I mean we came up here to meet him anyways.

I smile in fondness as he wiggles around a little bit, waking himself up. He's cute, I have to admit it.

My brother shuffles in next to me and we stand close together, like a bunch of nervous teenage boys as we wait for him to wake up.

I don't know why but I wanted to know everything about him, what he likes and what he hates. Maybe it's just my protective side taking over but something about him just intrigued me and I want to take care of him. Especially after seeing how poorly he was taken care of before.

Louis then does a little stretch before slowly fluttering open his eyes. They were strikingly blue, they fit his face perfectly, making him even more appealing.

But the second his blue orbs lined on us, they filled with fear, along with the rest of his face.

He sat up in his bed and scooted back against the head frame, trying to move away from us.

"W-who are you?" His delicate voice says shakily,

"Hi Louis, sorry to frighten you. I'm not sure if our mom mentioned us to you yet or not but I'm Edward, this is Harry, and that is Marcel." Edward explains his voice the most gentle I have ever heard in my twenty years of being together.

Louis's body seems to relax slightly.

"Oh oh, you're the triplets?" Louis confirms, slightly out of breath from his slight panic a moment ago.

"Yes yes, that's us. Sorry that we kinda just barged in, we were just excited to meet you. And probably should have thought our plan through a little bit better." I apologize.

He seems to soften a bit more with our words, probably noticing that we aren't as intimidating as we appear to be at first glance.

All three of us are rather tall and some have called us scary looking, so hopefully, he won't immediately deny getting to know us.

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