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Louis's POV:

"And home safe," Harry says as we step into the warm home.

I was discharged from the hospital the next morning after they ran a few more tests and gave the triplets some regimen for my head and ribs to keep all the healing on track.

Sadie and I got a bit of quality time together when she forced the boys to go get us dinner last night, they refused to leave me until Sadie physically pushed them out. But we had a good time, she told me lots of funny stories about the triplets when they were younger.

Including one where all three of them got into a fistfight with each other at the ripe age of nine over the TV remote and one of them had ended up with a broken arm and all of them ended up grounded.

"Yes home safe so you can put me down now Eddie," I say, having been wrapped in Edwards's arms since the moment we stepped out of the hospital.

He claimed that I would be safest in his arms, where he could protect me.

Actually, all three of the triplets have gone into like full protective mode since I was discharged like they literally did not let me step foot on the ground.

"Why don't we just bring you up to bed or on the couch? We don't want you to use and overwork anything. All of your injuries need time to heal." Edward responds, not lightening his grip on me at all.

I just sigh, knowing that it truly was no use to argue with the triplets, it honestly was no use.

They bring me over to the living room couch, sitting me down in the corner with my legs stretched out in front of me.

"Guys I appreciate it but I'm not dying," I say.

Honestly, I adore how much they care but sometimes I need to be in control of myself. Plus I feel bad that I am keeping them from whatever they need to be doing because they think they need to take care of me.

"We know but we are just keeping you safe. Once you are fully healed you can do whatever you please." Marcel says as he follows into the room, carrying a glass of water and my pain relief.

I roll my eyes lightly with a bit of a laugh.

"Whatever you say."

The next few hours just consist of the triplets and I watching countless movies until the three of them are fast asleep.

They hadn't got the slightest bit of rest the entire time we were in the hospital so I am glad to see they are getting some rest back.

I check to see if they are fully out and their snores confirm my suspicions as I gently unwrap Marcel's arms from around my waist as I get up off the couch and head into the kitchen.

I know they don't want me to get up off the couch but I am hungry and seriously can't watch another minute of all those movies.

I grab an apple and my phone before making my way upstairs, doing my best to move slowly to not hurt myself any worse.

Once I get up to my room, I sit down on the edge of the bed, somehow already slightly tired from just walking up the stairs.

However, I wasn't even able to relax for a moment before I hear the three deep voices of my triplets yelling.

"Louis?!" They yell, their voices filled with concern.

How in the world did they wake up so fast? They have been asleep for like two minutes.

I don't even get the chance to respond because I start laughing when I hear them sprinting up the stairs and running towards my room, where they stop right outside my open door.

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