1: My Youtube Family

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Hi, my name's Steph, and I am an orphan.

As a baby, I was left on the steps of Apple Trees Orphanage. Maybe my mum didn't want me, maybe she just couldn't cope, I don't know.

All I know is that I have lived here ever since.


"Steph, get up! You're going to be late for school!" Elizabeth yells up the stairs.

Elizabeth is our 'mum', she is the main carer in this place, and she is actually quite nice, but not when she's trying to get us out of bed.

I sigh and pause the YouTube video I was watching, one of Zoella's Primark hauls. Zoella is my favourite YouTuber ever! She just seems so down to earth and friendly....

"Stephhhhhhhh? Are you getting up?" Yells Elizabeth.

"Yes Betty...." I groan down the stairs.

She sounds pleased to hear a response as she moves onto calling a different child to get up.

I play the Zoella video in the background as I get in the shower then pull on my school uniform.

Compared to other schools, my uniform isn't so bad. It's a black blazer, black skater skirt, green and blue tie, tights and brogues.

Doing up my tie, I walk down the stairs, school satchel slung over my shoulder.

Betty has neatly laid out the cereals, bowls and spoons on the red check tablecloth. I can tell by the messy bowls in the sink that the older kids have already been and gone off to the high school.

I eat a small bowl of Shreddies and an apple, pick up my lunch money and set off to my best friend Kate's house.

We amble down the street to our school. We are in our last year at middle school, year 8.

Kate is also a YouTube-aholic, and we ask each other what videos we watched this morning.

I tell her I watched two Zoella hauls, one Primark and one America haul.

She tells me she watched her spring make up look, and her messy bun tutorial. Gesturing to her head, I see that she is wearing a messy bun in her hair!

I sigh and tell her that my hair is too long and thick, so when I do buns my hair just piles up and looks ridiculous.

We laugh and walk through the school gates, just as the bell rings.

We high five, dump our bags in our lockers and go to our different form rooms.

In PHSE we do family trees, and as soon as the words come out of Mr Woodman's mouth, everyone looks at me.


Instead of being embarrassed, I smile confidently and look straight ahead.

As the pieces of paper are handed round to draw our trees on, I write in big letters on the top: My YouTube Family.


"Steph! I can't believe you did that!" Squeals Kate.

I shrug, "It's true though, I see YouTube as my family!"

"Well so do I, but I don't tell my whole class in a big presentation!" Kate protests.

I frown at her. "So what else could I do my family tree on? I don't even know my mother's name."

"Oh Steph, I didn't mean it like that!" She apologises.

"Well what other way is there?" I spat out.

"You could do it on the kids at the home?" She reasons.

"No. I did it on YouTube because that is my ONLY true home. I'm going now. Bye." I state.

Kate frowns and walks off towards her house. She should know better than to try and breach a touchy subject like that!

I stomp towards the children's home, in a mood.

On the way there, I see a poster taped to a lamp post. It says:

Zoella Girl Online book signing!
Saturday 18th April, 10am-2pm
WHSmiths, town centre.

I scream and rip the poster off the lamppost.

ZOELLA? Right here in my town?!



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Eliza xx

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